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[AI] Melee Map AI Refuses to Work

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Level 2
Nov 15, 2008
I've just finished completing a custom race for a melee map. I have two players.. The user, and a computer, which is currently set to Orc, and is unallied to the user. On my map, I have the Orc's starter buildings. (Great Hall and 5 peons.) However, when I test my map, all they do gather gold. Now, I've tried some ways to fix this. First, on the melee map trigger, I gave it the Melee Map AI action, yet, same actions occur. (Refer to the peons and all they do is get gold.) I've also tried to set a custom AI, I imported both files to the map. (.ai and .wai), removed the war3import/ on the path and used an action for it to start. Nothing happens. I've also tried to give the starting buildings through the actions, (What I mean is through the Melee Map action.) for all players, but it even gives the humans starter building to me, which I don't want. I tried to give the Orcs a full base. (I mean that I gave it all the buildings.) although nothing happens.

Does anyone know what you think is causing the problem? Thanks a lot!
Level 2
Nov 15, 2008
How do your run AI? Is orc race unaltered?

No, it is not unaltered. I altered nothing, all I did was copy the ability/buff/unit/etc. and edit that one so it is custom.

The AI is basically nothing right now, I give it the great hall and the 5 peons because the melee map trigger action that gives the starting buildings is deleted, it wouldn't give. The AI action is in the melee map trigger that you get at the start when making a map, I also put the custom AI action in that trigger and made a brand new trigger to see if that would work.
Level 2
Nov 15, 2008
I've got an update on things.. And I'm sorry for the double post, you can report this if this is violating the rules.. And I'll have to wait for a replay before I can post again, 'cause no one is going to notice my edit..

Anyways.. I've given the melee trigger an action to give all players the starting base, and I reimported my own orc AI.. However, when I start, I get the human starting base, and the orc AI works, but, undead is in their way.. Strange because nothing is set to undead and the undead was basically doing what the orcs did previously.. Now this fixes the orc AI problem, I just need to know how to change it so the undead doesn't show up. Player 2's race is set to Orc. Also, when the starting buildings aren't placed in the World Edit, only Undead shows up.. So I have to manually add the orc buildings up, conflicting with the undead.. And the humans starting buildings show up.. I placed a region under it, I just want it so when the game starts, remove the townhall and the peasants.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot! And I apologize if this is violating the rules.. =|
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