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Looking For a Good Triggerer

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Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Hello, i am making a map "Plagued Grounds" that is about 40% done in total.


I need someone who can do some triggers for me, leakless and well made, if you can help me, please PM me. Your name will be in credits on Quests, Hiveworkshop and start map text. =)

Its basicly just triggers for events and such.. i tried myself, i can't xD
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
I got some leaks i can't fix, if you could fix them, it would be great.

here is the example: Thunder Strikes --> Every XX second, a thunder (lightning bolt or monsoon buff) will strike a random location, dealing XXX damage to buildings. I need this in triggers, leakless and smooth =)

Other example: Making wet footprints when a villager has walked on water...

Other example: Creating a multiboard that shows income, how close the Abomination are ect...
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Im sure i can make a thunder strike trigger. You mean every second of play time, right?
just make a unit with the lightning bolt model, have it spawn a random place in playable map area every XX seconds, then destroy that unit 1 second later.
im away from my WE right now, but ill do it soon.
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