Loadscreen change?

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Level 1
Apr 24, 2009
I want to put the Undead race's melee loadscreen on my map while loading, independent of which race a player has chosen in the lobby. So far I've changed "Model -- Loading Melee Background" and "Model -- Map Load Background" to "UI\Glues\Loading\Multiplayer\Load-Multiplayer-Undead.mdl", which is supposedly the screen I want, but I still get this one with the dragon when choosing Random:
Any ideas?
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
As far as I am aware, the screenshot you gave is when a custom loading screen has not been selected. This shows everybody's loading progress and a preview of the minimap. E.g. all blizzard meele maps are like this.

If you decide to add a custom screen, you tick the box, allowing you to change the background picture and add text. E.g. Dota, and most custom games are like this.

So, you either have one or the other.

independent of which race a player has chosen in the lobby

You mean "dependant" right? So if you picked undead, you get an undead screen, pick human, you get a human screen, etc. Otherwise I'm not sure what the problem is. However, I'm not sure how to do what you want, or if its even possible. I doubt it would be with triggers since the loading screen image is loaded before game triggers (even map initialization triggers).
Level 1
Apr 24, 2009
The thing is, I don't want to import a custom screen. Like you said, when you tick Undead you get Undead screen, when you tick Human -- you get Human screen, etc. But I want to have Undead screen independent of which race you've selected. Like, you tick Human and you get Undead load screen. :)
The simplest solution would be to put fixed UD race in lobby but I thought just setting some fields in Game Interface would make it redundant. Apparently the field gets ignored, or am I missing something?
And no, triggers surely can't set that, they aren't loaded yet.
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