Well the code that showed on you screen is the thing you have to load (by typing -load (whole code, is long i know), but theres an easy way you can get the code, when you type -savehd the game automatically creates the code on you wc3 folder so you can just cyop and paste it, when you say -savehd you will get the message as "your code been made on the warcraft 3 directory" to find it you go on "My computer->:C->program files->warcraft III->GaiasRetaliation->(the user name u saved with)-> u open the notepad and there is a code something like this one "-load Sak2-xhJT-AVc6-LOL2-pKTy-kAFF-hHF3-D81H-vkTf-6siZ-VXlN-L76n-vw" you copy it all and you paste it when the gaias game starts and tada you will have your loaded hero