Hey you! I'm making an invitation here (I hope I'm at the right place to do it) at gaias forum to play tomorrow (sunday, 17/10) 14:00 at garena server3>w3RPG>brazil>RPG ROOM 12 , to do the quest of Mytargas city (the reconquest thingy)
so, the time that I'm using at this post is Brasilia official time
I have some mates that will play with me (us) too, but we're not enough in numbers to beat all the zombies waves.
you don't have to be brazilian to play with me, the only thing I ask is to have a char 30+ that could resist some hits of the zombies, class stuff and tatics we will discuss at the game room or at skype, if everybody has it
I am coala1989 at skype; [email protected] at msn , and; coala[1] at garena, if you wish, find me at these ^^
best wishes, Vitor
so, the time that I'm using at this post is Brasilia official time
I have some mates that will play with me (us) too, but we're not enough in numbers to beat all the zombies waves.
you don't have to be brazilian to play with me, the only thing I ask is to have a char 30+ that could resist some hits of the zombies, class stuff and tatics we will discuss at the game room or at skype, if everybody has it
I am coala1989 at skype; [email protected] at msn , and; coala[1] at garena, if you wish, find me at these ^^
best wishes, Vitor