2d plane physics for projectile motion and momentum transfer, your team (armed with a variety of physics-based spells) must work together to reach the target amount of Points by capturing flags, playing king of the hill, AND killing opponents.
Built-from-scratch 2d plane physics system
Linear Projectile Motion
Homing Projectile Motion
Nova Projectiles
Unique spells
Combination gameplay of
Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and
Clean UI
There is an easy to use physics system for linear and homing projectiles implemented in this map; however, this map utilizes that engine and makes some overrides with how the system works at times. This map also features easy to use force and momentum transfer from collisions with either other players or projectiles.
-To Use Projectiles in Spells-
When casting a spell, create a unit based off of any of the spells you see featured in this game. Generally...
-Life of unit = Damage
-Mana = Force
-Max mana = Area of impact
-Acquisition Range = Seconds it lasts (read using a line of code that bases expiration timer off of this range)
-Movement speed = Travel Speed
-Facing Angle = Direction of Travel (Homing's facing will change each 0.03 seconds)
-Unit Classification = Suicidal/sapper (Linear) optional+ Mechanical (Homing)
*Email me at [email protected] if you intend on making a map with my projectile system. I can send you one with just the physics system, which excludes all the game functionality of this map.
king, hill, capture, flag, deathmatch, arena, physics, projectile, momentum, warlock, friction, kinematics, custom