• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hi there ! This is my first skin and I decided to post this it on hive.
Have fun with this skin but give credits if you use it in your maps/campaigns/...

All comments and suggestions appreciated !

Troll,Green,Tribal,Headhunter,Forest,The Leader

Jungle Troll Headhunter (Texture)

14:22, 12th Apr 2014 Kwaliti: It's mostly a recolor and the colors really look a bit funky. The eyes look like they're bruised. More freehand work is needed.




14:22, 12th Apr 2014

It's mostly a recolor and the colors really look a bit funky. The eyes look like they're bruised. More freehand work is needed.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
I like the idea, It's good looking and I love the straps or what you call that. But it's a recolor, but it's useful, well, it's too good, badly it's a recolor.

My Review

~I like the idea and It's nice
~I love the straps or what you call that

~That black thing on the eye, it looks ugly

~Make more freehand work in this
~Improve the eyes

Vote For:
Approval | Rejection
Not really sure how much actual effort is put into this. a simple recolour with a bit of tribal tatoos and a black eye. Not exactly the hardest thing to do in 10 minutes. You should attempt to make this something creative if you're going to post it on this site. If you are unable, I'd suggest looking to the tutorial section of this website to improve yourself.

My vote goes for Rejection

Level 10
Nov 17, 2013
Not really sure how much actual effort is put into this. a simple recolour with a bit of tribal tatoos and a black eye. Not exactly the hardest thing to do in 10 minutes. You should attempt to make this something creative if you're going to post it on this site. If you are unable, I'd suggest looking to the tutorial section of this website to improve yourself.

My vote goes for Rejection


I respect your opinion, I know that it is a recolor,useful can I say but this is my first skin and i'll improve it. For first skin i think that is ok. :con:
I respect your opinion, I know that it is a recolor,useful can I say but this is my first skin and i'll improve it. For first skin i think that is ok. :con:

I can honestly respect that this is a first try, however recolors aren't your original work. If all you truly want is feedback to help improve a skin or improve yourself, I again suggest the tutorials as well as posting a thread in the 2D art section of the forum.

This skin I'll upload today...but about another skin,so I created,converted to .blp and imported in test map... and I have problem. Can someone help me?
Image and Skin.
Reward: +rep :ogre_haosis:

we have forums for that. I say again...

If all you truly want is feedback to help improve a skin or improve yourself, I again suggest the tutorials as well as posting a thread in the 2D art section of the forum.

No one will give criticism on a different skin in the comments section of your other skin.
