I'm a little clueless when it comes to programming and the like, so forgive me if I'm asking something silly.
I would like to put a 3d aspect into my myriad map, and for this I need to be able to use the concept of Z freely. Such as GetUnitZ and the like.
I don't know if GetLocationZ is native or not (I think it probably is) but I'm sure I heard that it was asynchronous, which is... bad? For multiplayer?
Probably something to do with LocalPlayer.
But anyway, my question has two parts. The first is inserting natives.
JassNewGen's Grimoire manual talked about inserting I think japi.dll into the engine. This would apparently allow me to insert my own natives.
My problem is that it refers me to I think japi(or something).cpp for native examples, yet I cannot find any such file.
Perhaps someone could enlighten me about the mechanics of inserting natives?
(Replace NativeInit or cache or something? I dunno!)
I think that perhaps I would not need to insert natives in order to get a 'Z' of a unit, because I could use GetLocationZ + Flying Height, but it would still probably be good for me to know.
The second part is about Z. I'm not sure exactly what my question should be, but I guess I'm asking if there is a lagless, and clean way in order to use Z in my map? So that I could say, have proper physics where units could run over the edge of cliffs and suffer falling damage and the like, with functions that do not stuff up everyone's computer?
I'm still feeling my way around creating physics engines, and as I'm only just emerging into learning vjass (all that jass stuff that uses heaps of .'s I think.
) And I thought that making a proper phys engine might be hazardous to engine health, but after seeing SEE (awesome system by the way HINDYhat, even if the boulder sometimes seems a touch less than smooth, but that probably is just the limitations of the program) I think that my ultimate physics goal might work smoothly.
Feel free to answer or not, as most answers I probably won't be able to use until I understand vjass and the like.
I'm a little clueless when it comes to programming and the like, so forgive me if I'm asking something silly.
I would like to put a 3d aspect into my myriad map, and for this I need to be able to use the concept of Z freely. Such as GetUnitZ and the like.
I don't know if GetLocationZ is native or not (I think it probably is) but I'm sure I heard that it was asynchronous, which is... bad? For multiplayer?
Probably something to do with LocalPlayer.
But anyway, my question has two parts. The first is inserting natives.
JassNewGen's Grimoire manual talked about inserting I think japi.dll into the engine. This would apparently allow me to insert my own natives.
My problem is that it refers me to I think japi(or something).cpp for native examples, yet I cannot find any such file.
Perhaps someone could enlighten me about the mechanics of inserting natives?
(Replace NativeInit or cache or something? I dunno!)
I think that perhaps I would not need to insert natives in order to get a 'Z' of a unit, because I could use GetLocationZ + Flying Height, but it would still probably be good for me to know.
The second part is about Z. I'm not sure exactly what my question should be, but I guess I'm asking if there is a lagless, and clean way in order to use Z in my map? So that I could say, have proper physics where units could run over the edge of cliffs and suffer falling damage and the like, with functions that do not stuff up everyone's computer?
I'm still feeling my way around creating physics engines, and as I'm only just emerging into learning vjass (all that jass stuff that uses heaps of .'s I think.
Feel free to answer or not, as most answers I probably won't be able to use until I understand vjass and the like.