- Joined
- Feb 22, 2013
- Messages
- 161
Is there something wrong with this? The five peasants spawn at the middle of the map which is no where near where they're supposed to spawn
function GetMidPointX takes real Px, real Qx returns real
return (1/2)*(Px + Qx)
function GetMidPointY takes real Py, real Qy returns real
return (1/2)*(Py + Qy)
function Melee_Init_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local real humanMidPointX = GetMidPointX(GetUnitX(gg_unit_ngol_0006), GetStartLocationX(GetPlayerStartLocation(Player(1))))
local real humanMidPointY = GetMidPointY(GetUnitY(gg_unit_ngol_0006), GetStartLocationY(GetPlayerStartLocation(Player(1))))
call CreateUnit(Player(1), 'hpea', humanMidPointX, humanMidPointY + 64.00, 270.00)
call CreateUnit(Player(1), 'hpea', humanMidPointX - 64.00, humanMidPointY, 270.00)
call CreateUnit(Player(1), 'hpea', humanMidPointX - 32.00, humanMidPointY - 64.00, 270.00)
call CreateUnit(Player(1), 'hpea', humanMidPointX + 32.00, humanMidPointY + 64.00, 270.00)
call CreateUnit(Player(1), 'hpea', humanMidPointX + 64.00, humanMidPointY, 270.00)
function InitTrig_Melee_Init takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Melee_Init = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Melee_Init, function Melee_Init_Actions )