Every now and then (off and on) I look into learning JASS and sometimes use JASS for things gui can't do. Course now I'm having problems and I need soultions. It seems like it would be a few simple mistakes I made somewhere but I'm not familar enough with JASS yet to figure it out.
(note: The wait trigger is left off intentionally right now, don't worry bout that)
First post on this new Hive Site rather than the old WC3sear.ch
First time noticing the "JASS classroom" which looks interesting. Might need to enroll soon heh heh.
function Trig_Blade_Damager_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local point BleedPositioner[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource()))]=GetUnitLoc(GetTriggeringUnit())
call CreateNUnitsAtLocFacingLocBJ( 1, 'h000', GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource()), BleedPositioner[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource()))], GetUnitLoc(GetTriggerUnit()) )
local unit Bleeder[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource())) = GetLastCreatedUnit()
//call TriggerSleepAction( 0.01 )
call IssueTargetOrderBJ( Bleeder[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource())), "acidbomb", GetTriggerUnit() )
call UnitApplyTimedLifeBJ( 1.00, 'BTLF', Bleeder[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource())) )
call DestroyUnit(Bleeder[GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource()))
call RemoveLocation(BleedPositioner[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEventDamageSource()))])
call ConditionalTriggerExecute( gg_trg_Dameage_Clear )
function InitTrig_Blade_Damager takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Blade_Damager = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Blade_Damager, function Trig_Blade_Damager_Actions )
(note: The wait trigger is left off intentionally right now, don't worry bout that)
First post on this new Hive Site rather than the old WC3sear.ch
First time noticing the "JASS classroom" which looks interesting. Might need to enroll soon heh heh.