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[JASS] Jass and Dialog boxes

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Level 3
Jul 29, 2006
I'm attempting to write a script in Jass (Preferably a single trigger). The script will activate every 4 levels, and display a dialog box. This Dialog box has three buttons, one for each stat, and when one is clicked that stat should increase by one.
Here is the code I have made so far.
function Increase takes unit leveler, button Str, button Agi, button Int returns nothing
    if (GetClickedButtonBJ == Str) then
        call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_STR, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    if (GetClickedButtonBJ == Agi) then
        call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_AGI, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    if (GetClickedButtonBJ == Int) then
        call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_INT, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    leveler = null
    Str = null
    Agi = null
    Int = null

function StatIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    local dialog Dialog
    local button Strength
    local button Agility
    local button Intelligence
    call DialogSetMessageBJ( Dialog, "Choose Which Stat to Increase" )
    set Strength = call DialogAddButtonBJ( Dialog, "Strength" )
    set Agility = call DialogAddButtonBJ( Dialog, "Agility" )
    set Intelligence = call DialogAddButtonBJ( Dialog, "Intelligence" )
    call DialogDisplayBJ( true, Dialog, GetOwningPlayer(leveler) )
    //Function to detect which Button is pressed
    call DialogClearBJ( Dialog )
    call Increase( leveler, Strength, Agility, Intelligence)
    Dialog = null
    Strength = null
    Agility = null
    Intelligence = null

function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( ModuloInteger(GetHeroLevel(GetTriggerUnit()), 4) == 0 ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit leveler
    set leveler = GetLevelingUnit
    call StatIncrease( leveler )
    set leveler = null

function InitTrig_StatIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_StatIncrease = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_StatIncrease, EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_StatIncrease, Condition( function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_StatIncrease, function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions )

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Level 3
Jul 29, 2006
Alright, I was hit with a burst of inspiration and changed the script, now I have one little problem. (new script:)
function StrIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_STR, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    set leveler = null

function AgiIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_STR, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    set leveler = null

function IntIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_STR, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    set leveler = null

function StatIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    local dialog Dialog = DialogCreate()
    local button Strength
    local button Agility
    local button Intelligence
    local trigger s = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger a = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger i = CreateTrigger()
    call DialogSetMessage( Dialog, "Choose Which Stat to Increase" )
    set Strength = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Strength", 0 )
    set Agility = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Agility", 0 )
    set Intelligence = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Intelligence", 0 )
    call DialogDisplay( GetOwningPlayer(leveler), Dialog, true )
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( s, Strength)
    call TriggerAddAction( s, StrIncrease(leveler))
    call DestroyTrigger( s )
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( a, Agility)
    call TriggerAddAction( a, AgiIncrease(leveler)) 
    call DestroyTrigger( a )
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( i, Intelligence)
    call TriggerAddAction( i, IntIncrease(leveler))
    call DestroyTrigger( i )
    call DialogDestroy( Dialog )
    set Strength = null
    set Agility = null
    set Intelligence = null

function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( ModuloInteger(GetHeroLevel(GetTriggerUnit()), 4) == 0 ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit leveler = GetLevelingUnit()
    call StatIncrease( leveler )
    set leveler = null

function InitTrig_StatIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_StatIncrease = CreateTrigger( )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_StatIncrease, EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_StatIncrease, Condition( function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_StatIncrease, function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions )
When I try to compile I get this error
Compile error line11384: Invalid argument type (void)
call DestroyTrigger( s )
Compile error line11384: Invalid argument type (void)
call DestroyTrigger( a )
Compile error line11384: Invalid argument type (void)
call DestroyTrigger( i )
These should not be voids, any idea why they are considered so?
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
to GhostWolf: read the trigger carefully he created the triggers

to gralamin: you need a handle attachment system for that
there is no
TriggerAddAction(trig,function bla(a))
there is TriggerAddAction(trig, function bla)
get used to it
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
It doesn't allow you to pass parameters through a function pointer. (As Need 02 said)
call TriggerAddAction( s, StrIncrease(leveler))
Needs to be this:
call TriggerAddAction( s, function StrIncrease)
Level 3
Jul 29, 2006
I had thought I might need to use handles, I have never quite gotten use to them, but I'll see if I can figure it out.

Just add states like you did in the previous code.
What exactly do you mean? How would I add states depending on which dialog button is pressed?

Alright, I managed to make the thing compile using local handle vars, and I now just have an error with the dialog boxes popping up (it doesn't display anything). In addition, any sort of way of improving performance would help. Thanks.

function StrIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tr = GetTriggeringTrigger()
    local unit leveler = GetHandleUnit(tr, "LevelingUnit")
    call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_STR, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    call FlushHandleLocals(tr)
    call DestroyTrigger( tr )
    set leveler = null

function AgiIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tr = GetTriggeringTrigger()
    local unit leveler = GetHandleUnit(tr, "LevelingUnit")
    call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_AGI, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    call FlushHandleLocals(tr)
    call DestroyTrigger( tr )
    set leveler = null

function IntIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tr = GetTriggeringTrigger()
    local unit leveler = GetHandleUnit(tr, "LevelingUnit")
    call ModifyHeroStat( bj_HEROSTAT_INT, leveler, bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD, 1 )
    call FlushHandleLocals(tr)
    call DestroyTrigger( tr )
    set leveler = null

function StatIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    local dialog Dialog = DialogCreate()
    local button Strength
    local button Agility
    local button Intelligence
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call DialogSetMessage( Dialog, "Choose Which Stat to Increase" )
    set Strength = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Strength", 0 )
    set Agility = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Agility", 0 )
    set Intelligence = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Intelligence", 0 )
    call DialogDisplay( GetOwningPlayer(leveler), Dialog, true )
    call SetHandleHandle(leveler, "LevelingUnit", t)
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, Strength )
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function StrIncrease )
    set t = CreateTrigger()  // Different trigger, new var
    call SetHandleHandle(leveler, "LevelingUnit", t)
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, Agility)
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function AgiIncrease)

    set t = CreateTrigger()
    call SetHandleHandle(leveler, "LevelingUnit", t)
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, Intelligence)
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function IntIncrease)
    call DialogClear(Dialog)
    call DialogDestroy( Dialog )
    set Strength = null
    set Agility = null
    set Intelligence = null

function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( ModuloInteger(GetHeroLevel(GetTriggerUnit()), 4) == 0 ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit leveler = GetLevelingUnit()
    call StatIncrease( leveler )
    set leveler = null

function InitTrig_StatIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_StatIncrease = CreateTrigger( )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_StatIncrease, EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_StatIncrease, Condition( function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_StatIncrease, function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions )
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Level 3
Jul 29, 2006
My guess after mulling it over is the destroy dialog command is executing while the dialog is being displayed. I removed the clear and dialog destroy command and now it works. However doesn't that leak?

Edit: Is there any way to make a SetHandleDialog or GetHandleDialog functions? Or is a Dialog a Handle?

And now I have a script that does not increase the actual stats. Any idea why?
(new Script)
Edit: Hopefully Leakless version
function StrIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tr = GetTriggeringTrigger()
    local unit leveler = GetHandleUnit(tr, "LevelingUnit")
    local dialog Dialog = GetHandleDialog(tr, "StatIncrease")
    call ModifyHeroStat( 0, leveler, 0, 1 )
    call DestroyTrigger(GetHandleTrigger(tr, "AgilityIncrease"))
    call DestroyTrigger(GetHandleTrigger(tr, "IntelligenceIncrease"))
    call FlushHandleLocals(tr)
    call DestroyTrigger( tr )
    call DialogClear(Dialog)
    call DialogDestroy(Dialog)
    set leveler = null
    set Dialog = null

function AgiIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tr = GetTriggeringTrigger()
    local unit leveler = GetHandleUnit(tr, "LevelingUnit")
    local dialog Dialog = GetHandleDialog(tr, "StatIncrease")
    call ModifyHeroStat( 1, leveler, 0, 1 )
    call DestroyTrigger(GetHandleTrigger(tr, "StrengthIncrease"))
    call DestroyTrigger(GetHandleTrigger(tr, "IntelligenceIncrease"))
    call FlushHandleLocals(tr)
    call DestroyTrigger( tr )
    call DialogClear(Dialog)
    call DialogDestroy(Dialog)
    set leveler = null
    set Dialog = null

function IntIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tr = GetTriggeringTrigger()
    local unit leveler = GetHandleUnit(tr, "LevelingUnit")
    local dialog Dialog = GetHandleDialog(tr, "StatIncrease")
    call ModifyHeroStat( 2, leveler, 0, 1 )
    call DestroyTrigger(GetHandleTrigger(tr, "AgilityIncrease"))
    call DestroyTrigger(GetHandleTrigger(tr, "StrengthIncrease"))
    call FlushHandleLocals(tr)
    call DestroyTrigger( tr )
    call DialogClear(Dialog)
    call DialogDestroy(Dialog)
    set leveler = null
    set Dialog = null

function StatIncrease takes unit leveler returns nothing
    local dialog Dialog = DialogCreate()
    local button Strength
    local button Agility
    local button Intelligence
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call DialogSetMessage( Dialog, "Choose Which Stat to Increase" )
    set Strength = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Strength", 0 )
    set Agility = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Agility", 0 )
    set Intelligence = DialogAddButton( Dialog, "Intelligence", 0 )
    call DialogDisplay( GetOwningPlayer(leveler), Dialog, true )
    call SetHandleHandle(leveler, "LevelingUnit", t)
    call SetHandleHandle(Dialog, "StatIncrease", t)
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, Strength )
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function StrIncrease )
    call SetHandleHandle(t, "StrengthUp", leveler)
    set t = CreateTrigger()  // Different trigger, new var
    call SetHandleHandle(leveler, "LevelingUnit", t)
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, Agility)
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function AgiIncrease)
    call SetHandleHandle(t, "AgilityUp", leveler)

    set t = CreateTrigger()
    call SetHandleHandle(leveler, "LevelingUnit", t)
    call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, Intelligence)
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function IntIncrease)
    call SetHandleHandle(t, "IntelligenceUp", leveler)
    set Dialog = null
    set Strength = null
    set Agility = null
    set Intelligence = null

function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( ModuloInteger(GetHeroLevel(GetTriggerUnit()), 4) == 0 ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit leveler = GetLevelingUnit()
    call StatIncrease( leveler )
    set leveler = null

function InitTrig_StatIncrease takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_StatIncrease = CreateTrigger( )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_StatIncrease, EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_StatIncrease, Condition( function Trig_StatIncrease_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_StatIncrease, function Trig_StatIncrease_Actions )
function GetHandleDialog takes handle subject, string name returns dialog
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
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