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Its Been a while..

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I've run into a problem.

I need to know how i can make a research that can be upgraded from player 11(dark green)'s tavern, for Player 11's units, By Players 1-5 (which is the team, player 11 being a computer)

So for example.

Dark green(on team 1)'s tavern has 3 researches on it.

players 1-5 (team 1) have access to upgrade those researches.

the upgraded researches will affect Dark green's units. (<-- i got that part down..)

+rep for help.
Level 14
Nov 23, 2008
Hmm... Upgrades for other players are available with full advanced control only.
The one variant how to avoid giving full control is to make "dummy" abilities for each upgrade. Then, just research upgrade according to ability selected in tavern:
  • Events:
    • Unit - A unit starts effect of ability
  • Conditions:
    • (Ability being cast) equal to Upgrade 1 (spell)
  • Actions:
    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) current gold) greater or equal to (((Current research level of Upgrade 1 for Player 11) * 5) + 75)
      • Then - Actions
        • Player - Set (Owner of (Triggering unit)) current gold to (((Owner of (Triggering unit)) current gold) - (((Current research level of Upgrade 1 for Player 11) * 5) + 75))
        • Player - Set the current research level of Upgrade 1 to ((Current research level of Upgrade 1 for Player 11) + 1) for Player 11
      • Else - Actions
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Level 14
Nov 23, 2008
Do you want to display gold cost? Or just decrease gold count?

If first, there is a bunch of decisions (100 levels ability; another "helping" ability, which would show current upgrade cost; multiboard; etc).

If second, I has written it just in post above.
Actually, formula for decreasing gold in your case is 75 + 5 * (Current level of upgrade). So I used that in trigger.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Make each player own a building called upgrades. It has all the upgrades that can be researched. Once an upgrade is researched, it sets the upgrade to that level for all players in the team. Ofcourse before doing so it has to make sure that other people are not researching that very upgrade at the same time, or if someone does start researching it it disables other players from doing so until he has finished it and the upgrade level is updated.
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