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item stacking problem

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Level 3
Oct 7, 2008
me again XD well in my map i use item stacking,but I've run into a big problem.The items stack but they don't give extra,only what 1 of those items do

I.E. My missiles are able to stack and there is 11 of them scattered(meant to put the 11th as energy tank,ill fix that l8er tho) if you pick up one,you get you 10 mana for missiles like your supposed to.but any other that stack on it dont do anything :/ so I must be missing some sort of trigger,etc. so if i could get pointed in the right direction that would be much appreciated :)
Level 3
Oct 7, 2008
it is charged, ive tried both charged and permanent , alas both end in the same result

what do u mean by perishable? i know of the check box for that but its no item type,nor would u want it on if you weren't supposed to be able to kill the items XD

edit:its no potion,basically no matter what class it is it has the effect of a permanent item.it gives a bonus to *blank*
Level 9
May 30, 2008
if you wonna for every stacked item to recive the bonus that other give you for example every boots of speed give you 10 ms if you have 5 stacked they must give you 50 ms but this is imposible you have to create new item after every stacked item
Level 3
Oct 7, 2008
so,say i have 10 missiles per person.that would mean id have to make 10 separate missiles per person and make a trigger that when they pick up another and it stacks,it is replaced by that

i think i got an idea for it,and i already saw a trigger for this on the web. so thank you very much all :D

edit: i take that back.if there is a trigger for this, could anyone "direct" me to it? :D

edit2: i dont think you guys relized this, i used a jass trigger XD. so,no trigger messed it up.it stacks but no doubling of effects
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