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Item Names

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Level 10
Mar 23, 2007
Hai :D

I will request some item names here.
I dont need what the item does. Just unique names and optionally a history.

Unique names:
Not like the boring originaly ones ('Steel Sword'), and not like thoose stupid ('Uber l33t sw0rd of PWNing nubs'). Roflroflomg. I need thoose special ones. Like a few of thoose i already got:
Powerful names like Sainty's Eclipse (A shield, Unique) / Some like Underworld Firebreather (A blade, Rare) / Simple things like Hollow Wand (A wand, Normal)

I need items for the following slots:

Edit: Forgot this one. Shoulder.

I don't need so many weapons, since i got a lot already.
So come on. Gief meh zum ideas. Lolwut.

EDIT: Please, don't make too many items with character names :p
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Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Frobar's Rifle (just if you want to add a rifle)
Grimbar's Axe (he was an orc (axe))
Gloves of Arnu'rum (names names names ^^ (gloves))
Grombar's Grace (Axe)
Saphash's Amulet (Amulet)
Push Grok's Honour (Wraistbands)
Ush-Gak's Slicer (sword :))
Alune's Revenge (Rod)
Dom-Gok's drums (Accesoires)

Just say, which ones you take and i will make a history for them :)
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Ok, i got all stories. I hope, they are long enough. If they should be too short, I just post it and i will expand them :)


Frobar's Rifle
Gloves of Arnu'rum
Alune's Revenge
Push Grok's Honour

Stories: (the "Effect" just gets you your space for the effects)

Once, Frobar was a mighty dwarven hunter from the southern parts of Irgund’Um. He wielded a rifle, smithed by the legendary smiths of Orphas’Gra, who were known for their good relation to the dragons. They heated their oven with the dragons’s fire, which resulted in a hotter flame. The metals, used, melted together easily and enhanced the weapon magically. Frobar were able to hit a bear in his heart, staying 80 feet away. He also shot more accurate and faster. It’s been said, that the gun got his own heart, as it was crafted. But nobody ever found it out.

Arnu’run, a cunning thief of the Harshlands, was known for his fast and accurate attacks. His gloves were crafted, using the finest mithril and gold of whole Trabun’Rum. That made them as light as feathers, but as hard as stone. It’s said, that the gloves magically lead the hand of the wielder to it‘s foe.

Alune was once a princess of the nightelves. But she got mad and the High Council decided to hunt her. She got caught and executed on the same day, as she was caught. Before and as she died, she wore a rod, which changed it‘s colour, after it get touched by Alune’s blood. Rumors say, that her soul is still waiting for revenge. However this has never been proven.

Push Grok, simple grunt of Dran-Kokk’s army, was a poor orc. His wife left him, as he was betraying her with another orcish woman. He needed to work hard for his daily money and hadn’t time for any further relations. Someday he went out for trainig and hunting, as he saw something shiny in the grass. It were some wraistbands. He decided to put them on and felt an enormous power. He died in battle and his wraistbands got lost.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
I tried to shorten all up, but it was a hard work :) (Frobar's rifle is too good to have no good history :grin:

Frobar's Rifle
Gloves of Arnu'rum
Alune's Revenge
Push Grok's Honour

Once, Frobar was a mighty dwarven hunter from the southern parts of Irgund’Um. He wielded a rifle, smithed by the legendary smiths of Orphas’Gra, who were known for their good relation to the dragons. They heated their oven with the dragons’s fire, which resulted in a hotter flame. Frobar were able to hit a bear in his heart, staying 80 feet away. He also shot more accurate and faster. It’s been said, that the gun got his own heart, as it was crafted. But nobody ever found it out.

Arnu’run, a cunning thief of the Harshlands, was known for his fast and accurate attacks. His gloves were crafted, using the finest mithril and gold of whole Trabun’Rum. That made them as light as feathers, but as hard as stone. It’s said, that the gloves magically lead the hand of the wielder to it‘s foes.

Alune was once a princess of the nightelves. But she got mad and the High Council decided to hunt her. She got caught and executed. While she died, she wore a rod, which permanently changed it‘s colour, after it get touched by Alune’s blood. Rumors say, that her soul is still waiting for revenge. However this has never been proven.

Push Grok, simple grunt of Dran-Kokk’s army, was a poor orc. He needed to work hard for his daily money. Someday he went out for trainig and hunting, as he saw something shiny in the grass. It were some wraistbands. He decided to put them on and felt an enormous power. He died in battle and his wraistbands got lost.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Ok, here is some item names ( Pretty much fantasy like ).

Head items:

Enchanted Crown of Willpower (Just Rare)
Slaves Forgotten Cap (Normal, Rather Common)
Sathia's Prophecy Hood (Unique, Legendary)
The Avatar's Frost Cowl (Rare/Normal)
Karions Hood (Special Event, Legendary)
Starfire Cowl (Normal)

Shield items:

Darkskull Shield (Normal)
Crystal Barrier (Normal)
Sathia's Runic Defender (Legendary)
The Honor Shield (Normal)
Path Breaker (Normal)
The Avatar's Ice Barrier (Rare/Normal)
Karions Faith (Special Event, Legendary)
Truthbreaker (Rare)
Onsaloens Shine (Rare)
Raz'kogal's Wing (Rare)

Amulet items:

Sathia's Talisman (Legendary)
Adamant Amulet (Normal)
Amulet of Soulstealing (Normal)
Enrok's Medallion of Blaze (Rare)
Charm of the Dawn (Normal)
Charm of the Day (Normal)
Charm of Emotions (Normal)
Amulet of the Fallen God Rakhor (Rare)
Talisman of the Deathmoon (Legendary)
Shiny Talisman (ûber sucking)

I know some of the them sux :p hehe
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
Enhanced Darkwood Barrier (shield)
The Cursed Blade of Kar'hadim (Sword)
The Blessed Pauldrons of Kho'rin (Shoulder)
Slayer's Axe (Axe) a bit of a boring one :p
The Silken Slippers of dexterity (or whatever else you come up for them :p) (Feet
The Forgotten Gloves of Loshan (Hands)
The Sash of Misfortune (Waist) (Hopefully it is waist not Wrist? U have a typo :D)

All I could think of right now.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Desecrated Hearthstone of Arkan the Black:

Arkan the Black was a mighty general of the Lich King. Skilled in battle as well as the dark arts, Arkan prevailed in battle after battle, until one day he was killed by the High Priest of Tyr in single combat. The undead hordes wopn the battle, though, and his hearth was imbued with dark magic, giving it a hearthbeat that it can transfer to dead things (cast animate dead).
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
What!? we dont get rep for ideas!?!? ... oh well. Here is some more :p

Ring Items:

Moon Ring (Actually Rare)
Deathgem (Rare)
Ring of the Wind (Normal)
The Dead Eye (Legendary)
Golden Ring of Knowlegde (Normal)

--> Will edit: (Lolzor.. forgot to edit...)

Enchanted Ring of the Moon (Normal/Rare)
Deathbreath Crystal (Rare)
Sathia's Will (Legendary)
Band of Pain (Normal)
Deathshade (Rare)
The Sea Gem (Normal)...
Gem of Ownage (I'm serius!)

Im sleepy right now, i will die if i dont sleep. Thats it for now.
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Level 3
Nov 4, 2004
Biting Heels
Bladed Carapace
Crackling Brace
Dendroid's Fold
Ember Weave
Graven Greaves
Jester's Grasp
Miasmatic Pall
Onslaught's Anathema
Paltry Pauldron
Smiling Malice
Truncheon Stopper
Unreaming Mail
Warping Shroud
Zen Armor*

Heretic's Effigy
Lamenting Keen
Slit-Wrist Manacles
Unparalleled Sextant
Vengeful Primarch's Orbiting Torus of Hellbending Conflagration

Crushing Harbinger
The Mangler
Whirlwind's Reaper

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Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Some items

Ring of the Protector

Shoulders of Unending Pain

Claw of Fury

Crown of the Seven Souls

Amulet of Quel'Eldoraoh

Magical Wind Scepter

Belt of Faith

Krizillium Set
- Krizillium Breastplate
- Krizillium Helmet
- Krizillium Boots
- Krizillium Legs
- Krizillium Hands
- Krizillium Shoulderplates
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Oh oh! I know one! Oh oh! Pick me pick me! Oh oh! I know one! Oh oh!

Bob's Searing Punishment Belt
+12 damage
+3 damage per second burn
+25% chance to stun
-7% attack speed
-4 reputation
-12 loyalty from kids

He only asked for names, not whole tooltips.
And It's kinda impossible to do all that things for just a simple item.
Level 3
Dec 19, 2008
I will give name ideas and some possible bonuses that they could have.

* shield of endless mirror (shield with some repel aura)

* cloak fo eternity (cape that grants huge regeneration to it's wearer.)

*Bow of enchanted wood (bow that increases the sight range)

*Quiver of moon arrows (gives a lightning damage to the wearer)

* Crossbow of wild winds ( increases the attack range)

* Blade of battle hunger (as more the wearer kills enemies, more bonuses it concede, can even be used on a quest, like "X" number of kills to charge a spell)

* Scythe of soul reaper. ( each kill counts to unleash some sort of power, living "non demonic" beings store power to a critical stuning hit, souls of evil or demonic beings store power to a fire wave that also cripples the targets, and undeads "if they have some soul to be taken" contributes to a chance of control them when their are defeated, and reborn under your control)

* Throwing knife of cristal. ( tossing knifes with mana burn, or that add chaos damage )

* vial of void poison. ( permanently poisons the target, reducing stats, regens and speed)

* Saber of elder diamond. ( saber with enourmous damage, with demolish and critical strike. there is a chance of break armor and shields of other players)

* Maul of sonic storm ( maul that gives bonus damage on AoE and have a chance of stun the main target.)

* Whip of deepest roots ( have a chance to entangle)

*Mace of cosmic focus ( Nothing special :gg: a just want put somethig with cosmic in the name)

* Fan of untamed leaves ( gives a lesser spell protection, and also casts fan of knives spell [just exchange the knifes for leaves and are all done])

* morning star of hope ( heal aura)

* Armor of dimensional shift ( gives a chance of miss an income attack, and a very short blink ability)

* Wand of mind twist ( a finger of death casting wand)

* talisman of conjuring ( bonus mana, less cooldown and bonus spell resistance)

* Book of forgotenn summons ( summons a hero lv based, random creature)

* bracers of forbidden arts (unlocks some adicional spell that varies of who is wearing the item)

*Battle chains of 5 hells ( bonus dmg, criplling,and ingulf in flames)

* scroll of heaven chorus (silences all enemies and remove negative buffs from allies and positive ones of enemies)

* Halberd of inner arts. (increased damage, chance of critical, and ability to cast spell steal)

* Dagger of millenia rogues. ( gives evasion, backstab and chance of poison)

* Sphere of sun light/moon light. ( transforms depending if it's day or night, at day can cast a fire wave, at night a minor starfall.)
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