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Is This Good ?

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Level 3
Oct 28, 2007
I just started terrain'ing some weeks ago 1-2, and I wanted to know if I were doing any good with it. Heh :wgrin:


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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Look, it is exactly as Nudl9 said.

Well, the only things you must do is:

1) The terrain is too charged, if you understand me. Much elements close one to another and the pathing is small. You can "push" the doodads a bit far one from another, until they look better. It will be better for the gameplay and for the terrain. And more shrubs are welcome!

2) The tile variation is good, but it is not that good. Well, add dark grass under the trees and rough dirt at the lake.

Thats it! Keep terraining, one day you'll get it! =]


I forgot to talk about the fog! Go to

Scenario>Map Options

And check the "Use Terrain Fog" box.

Then use your wanted color.
If you want to choose the density of the fog, you must change the "Z start". Smaller number, denser fog.

And the most important: With the Map Options closed, press "v" to see the game view.But you already know this lol

Thats it!
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Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
You've worked your height variation really nice, and to me it looks way better than most stuff posted here. It's as good as Warcraft III can look if you want the original wc3 look, if you get what I mean. :p You could fill the place up with some more doodads and maybe fix the beach up a bit but otherwise nice job.
Level 3
Oct 28, 2007
Thx for all the comments, and I'm gonna try to improve it :) Its always nice to know what to do xD
Level 6
Aug 15, 2007
If you're interested in terraining, this is definitely a good beginning. You have a good knack for spatial structure, unlike me who can't accept nonsymmetry...

I think what other people are mistaking for blandness is the fact that the environment in your pictures is essentially very bland. It is the skill with which one portrays this, however, that we judge you on. Good job, I say. Not perfect, but a good start.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Tile variation would help a lot!

I suggest making it night and letting those lanterns glow for a nice effect.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I agree with UchihaSasuke.gr. The fences are too random. It looks as if they were just randomly thrown down. Don't connect them all, but make them parallel with the road.

Also as Oziris said, you may want to start using the UTM. It is probably one of the greatest weapons in a terrainers arsenal.
Level 3
Oct 28, 2007
Well I just made some new, would someone please critism and comment :) And I dont like so much my self ..


  • Terrain7.jpg
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
As both previous posts stated, the grass clash too much. I would go with the light green one. Maybe tint the other to a lighter color. Take different grass models, tint them a matching color (not the exact same) and mix them. Don't have them perfectly separate like you have done. Blend them.
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
Well I just made some new, would someone please critism and comment :) And I dont like so much my self ..
A great step backwards. :| The doodads mix extremly bad, especially the grass. You need to find some sort of balance in the way you place your doodadz so that it melts together sort of into just environment, and then find something else to catch the eye.
I'd say start over on something new, because this is not worth saving.
The first few pictures I liked, good if you want them to have that sort've feeling you'd get from the old campaign around Lordaeron. Now if you just cover a village with trees as if you were making a map for Ashenvale,THEN you should go wild with shrubs & bushes.

The island picture I didn't really go for,I personally RARELY use trees on small islands like that,maybe some dirt and vegetation around the middle of the island with coral and seaweed under the water (use Ctrl+PageDown with these selected).
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