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Is this a known orb of lightning bug? Is it unique to me?

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Level 2
Jul 4, 2004
I am by no means new but I have been away awhile. This shouldn't be a problem for me but I'm having trouble giving orb of lightning abilities a 100% chance. Sometimes it will work sometimes it will not. I've tried reinstalling and using an older editor version and it works until I update to a more current WC3 patch. After a lot of testing I can say that the orb ability is "casting" the ability because if i give the casted spell a mana cost, the unit's mana goes down but there is no spell effect debuff or damage.

Pre answer to questions I might get on this:
Yes all 3 fields are at 100.
Yes when I give the ability a mana cost the unit has the mana to use the spell.
Yes I'm sure I gave the orb spell and not some other ability to the correct unit. It won't work even in its simple item form as an item.

Here is a screenshot of what I have that does not work.

Level 2
Jul 4, 2004
Well it's not actually purge on attack I'm trying to do. I actually want to use a variety of abilities (yes I know orb abilities don't stack, this won't be a problem in the end). I've also done this sort of ability in the past without trouble. Most notably when feedback turned into a hero spell would bug out and do far more damage than it was suppose to, I switched the ability that hero used to a hero orb ability that cast mana burn. I've gone back into older maps and it still works there, though without changing anything in the object editor just extensive terrain edits, these abilities will break.

I was really just hoping someone else had this bug and knew how to fix it. =(

I've tried reinstalling 3 times, twice logging on bnet to go to the current patch once using the current patch downloaded from the blizzard website. As I said before this will work fine before I patch to a current version. I'd just map in an older editor version but the same map that works with my naked install won't work with the current version.
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