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Level 3
Jan 19, 2009
I need help for one of my singleplay maps: how do I make bag items that can be used as separate inventories, like in WoW, and how can I make that some item has specific class, for example, that item is classified as a weapon, and when you pick up another item of weapon class, the previous one drops. ---
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
most basic: u make several dummy units as 'inventory bags' and use some dummy ability + triggers to switch between them.
for class restriction, u make all weapons Artifacts, all armour Campaign, etc (or Power-Up, or w/e- doesn't really matter) and make trigger wich checks each 0.1 second if a unit has more than 1 of each type and makes them drop if unit has more than 1.

as more advanced, inventory can be done as multiboard, but i haven't tried that out myet, so dunno how it works yet =))

i've even seen inventory using imported inventory interface, with paperdoll, as in wow, but that's an advanced level indeed =)
Level 3
Jan 19, 2009
Yes, thx, those are all great ideas, but I saw that in some maps, people made "bag" items that have "inventory hero" ability, allowing you to put items inside them. That is easy to do, but I don't know how to return to previous inventory page, once I open those bags. ???
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