It's not possible to make a bigger inventory as far as I know.
But there is something you can do:
1) Every item needs to be a dummy item when it comes down to equipment.
2) You need booleans to check if the player is wielding (I use sword for example) a sword, if it's wearing a sword the dummy item gets droped. If he is not wielding a sword the dummy item gets destroyed. (You need a boolean for each equipment slot and you need to do that for each player.)
3) You also need string variables to store the string of that piece of equipment.
4) When a unit gains for example 'Golden Sword' and he is not wearing a weapon the booleans becomes true.
The dummy item gets destroyed.
The string for PlayerRedWeapon becomes GoldenSword.
That hero will gain a spell that cant be seen. (Like damage bonus for swords.)
You attach model of the Golden Sword to that 'spell'.
5) Now when he wants to change weapon he needs to remove his sword.
I suggest to start that with the chat message: -RemoveEquipment
Then a dialog pops up, then he can select what to remove.
If he has a sword then one of the buttons gains the string of the sword.
Unused slots gain a button with the tekst: -Empty-
Don't forget to create a dummy item at the units feet.
When he clicks the dialog button: GoldenSword
- Set PlayerRedBoolean for weapons to false, remove the spell, set the string back to -Empty-
It's a rather HUGE trigger system so I'm to lazy to make it, but basicly you need something as I described above. (I think, I never tried it.)