Hello evrybody, I've actually been visiting and downloading from this site much longer.
It has only recently been that i made this acount.
Some info about me, i live in Belgium i like campaigns and i used to be quite a map maker myself, i made some pretty good solo maps kind of campaign maps but then my pc freaked and ye... I lost it all.
I have tryed making new maps again but then i figured why would i when there are already much better maps on this site.
Anyway this is my introduction and I would like to thank the people from this site. You have given me great joy over the months.
It has only recently been that i made this acount.
Some info about me, i live in Belgium i like campaigns and i used to be quite a map maker myself, i made some pretty good solo maps kind of campaign maps but then my pc freaked and ye... I lost it all.
I have tryed making new maps again but then i figured why would i when there are already much better maps on this site.
Anyway this is my introduction and I would like to thank the people from this site. You have given me great joy over the months.