Interamnia Wars v1.2a


Choose an Hero, hire your Custom Army and fight against other contenders to conquer Interamnia.

More than 70 types of Units and 20 different Heroes (2 Base Skills, 3 Lvl Skills, 1 Ultimate).

At the beginning of the game choose the best combination of melee units, ranged units, beasts, chivalry, mages, mechanical units and support units with your starting gold (250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 gold).

Rank up your Army (units have 7 levels) and skill your Hero fighting creeps around the map or other players if they engages you.

Game Type:
Teams: 2vs2vs2vs2. Last Team Standing wins.
Free For All: Last Player Standing. Free For All.

Interamnia Cup: You can choose to activate or not this mod. Who holds the Interamnia cup for 5 minutes wins (Team win on, if the Game Type is Teams).

Solo Game
If you are alone and want to try the map, start the game as player red. Once in game, type: -solo.

Tactical and Strategic Hero, highly skilled in preparing and implementing ambushes and escapes. He has many very strong combos but it’s hard to use and need experience. Uses traps, bombs and gadgetry to achieve his purposes.

Basic Skills: Sentry Ward, RUN FOR IT!
Level Skills: Endurance Aura, Stasis Trap, Molotov
Ultimate Skill: Escape Plan

Fire Archmage
Archmage Hero, focused in attack spells and evocations. He dispenses great amounts of damage very fast and has the best evocations. Uses an high amount of damage and terrible summons to destroy and frighten his enemies.

Basic Skills: Unleash Fire, Brilliance Aura
Level Skills: Summon Lava Spawn, Breath of Fire, Incinerate
Ultimate Skill: Phoenix

Water Archmage
Archmage Hero, expert in water and ice spells. Uses water spells to inflict damage with evocations and thermal explosion. Uses ice spells to weaken enemies and strengthen friends. Combines the two types of spells to reach the apex of power.

Basic Skills: Frost Darts, Brilliance Aura
Level Skills: Geyser, Summon Water Elemental, Frost Armor
Ultimate Skill: Blizzara

Vampire Lord
Fighter and Tank Hero, very strong and resistant, able to stay alive and keep fighting. Thanks to his presence an army of undead warriors or melee warriors can become much stronger. The night is his friend and makes him extremely strong. Skilled in the use of dark arts, almost unbeatable in 1 vs 1 fights.

Basic Skills: Eternal Domicile, Cannibalize
Level Skills: Vampiric Aura, Life Drain, Black Force
Ultimate Skill: Reincarnation & Secret skill that will replace cannibalize

Dungeon King
Rider and Tank Hero, riding a prehistoric giant spider. Skilled in melee combat, a good support for the army because it can provide new units and can also act as a tank. He feeds his beast in various ways to provide himself the maximum power and resistance. Can capture flying units and kill them quickly.

Basic Skills: Carrion Beetles, Web
Level Skills: Spiked Carapace, Feed The Beast, King’s Spear
Ultimate Skill: Locust Swarm

Legendary Assassin
Killer Hero, formidable in 1 vs 1 fights. Use poisons to slow down and inflict excruciating damage to its objectives. Can easily kill an enemy into an army and escape without being killed. Even in battles can play its part because it is a skilled fighter and can easily kill the enemy support or medical units. Skilled in chasing, killing and vanish, can also act alone.

Basic Skills: Slow Poison, Shadow Meld
Level Skills: Shadow Strike, Blink, Evasion
Ultimate Skill: Lethal Rain

Healer Hero, adept at providing support to its units. It can greatly enhance the units of his army because of its special skills, can also transform weak units of his army in strong Crusaders. It can provide various types of medications to units and also protective barriers. After acquiring the necessary experience can also can revive dead units.

Basic Skills: Heal, Call of Duty
Level Skills: Holy Blessing, Fervor, Devotion Aura
Ultimate Skill: Resurrection

Air Archmage
Archmage Hero, exceptional against air units and armies. Has the best AoE Spells. Uses his summon and his basic skills to support him and his army. Uses his spells to bring panic, disorder and pain in the enemy ranks. With his ace in the hole can unleash the fury of winds to dramatically decrease enemy’s army victory chances.

Basic Skills: Cyclone, Brilliance Aura
Level Skills: Air Wave, Storm, Summon Hawk
Ultimate Skill: Tornado

Mechanical Hero, adept at building and repairing mechanical things. It can easily guide an army of mechanical units. Can build traps or supporting structures. Can face battles with its technological weapons or its engineer abilities. Reached an high engineering level may permanently transform in a super destroyer robot.

Basic Skills: Build, Recharge
Level Skills: Pocket Factory, Cluster Rockets, Engineering Upgrade
Ultimate Skill: Robo-Goblin

Prime Alchemist
Alchemist Support Hero, able to create unique potions and chemicals brews that use for many different purposes, even monetary gain. He can use potions to dissolve enemies, heal friends, transform his ogre into a beast or to transform his enemies into gold. Can also suicide triggering an atomic explosion to exact revenge on his enemies.

Basic Skills: Prime Alchemy, Atomic Suicide!
Level Skills: Acid Bomb, Healing Spray, Chemical Rage
Ultimate Skill: Transmute

Venerable Chieftain
Tank Hero, able to fight against multiple enemies. Hero with vast battlefield experience, has a unique strength. It paints his body to highlight the scars of his past glorious. His experience is unmatched, may fight relentlessly for a long time and can infuse his knowledge battlefield to his soldiers and get them out of trouble during battle challenging enemies that threaten his army.

Basic Skills: Taunt, Resistant Skin
Level Skills: War Paint, Experience, Battle Rush
Ultimate Skill: Shield Bash

Earth Archmage
Archmage Hero, exceptional against ground units and armies. Has the best line spells and stunning spells. Uses his basic skills to support him and his army. Uses his earth spells to paralyze and hurt enemies. He can extremely expand its power to cause a destructive earthquake and overwhelm enemies.

Basic Skills: Quake Roar, Brilliance Aura
Level Skills: Impale, Shockwaves, Hurl Boulder
Ultimate Skill: Earthquake

Pandaren Blademaster
Damaging Hero, expert in any kind of combat. Can defeat enemy heroes 1 vs 1 or fight against multiple enemies thanks to his versatile abilities. His spirit blade can help him in his purposes and his guide enhance friendly units. Once reached high levels can use his final technique to defeat any opponent.

Basic Skills: Blade Spirit, Inspiration
Level Skills: Blade Dance, Throw Alcohol, Ignite
Ultimate Skill: Storm, Earth And Fire

Arcane Archmage
Archmage Hero, exceptional against mage units and Heroes. Uses his basic skills to support him and his army. Uses his arcane spells to destroy enemy units mana and buffs. He can destroy summoned unit and generate a mana barrier to protect himself from enemy attacks. His power can silence enemies and blind them.

Basic Skills: Energy Wall, Brilliance Aura
Level Skills: Eradicate Essence, Mana Shield, Mass Dispel
Ultimate Skill: Void Field

Damaging Hero, expert in 1 vs 1 combats. Can kill any sort of enemy fast and move on next victim even more faster. He can enrage friendly units to fight harder or simply go mad and unleash his fury on his enemies. His specialty is quickly annihilate enemies with fast devastating attacks.

Basic Skills: Murderous Frenzy, Focused Senses
Level Skills: Enrage, Fury, Cleaving Attack
Ultimate Skill: Unleash Power

Ancient Druid
Damaging Hero, powerful against armies. It can give great support to his army with his spells, temporarily disabling enemy key units or evoking support units and ensuring to your army a great advantage by distributing a large amount of damage among the enemies. Can attack multiple enemies.

Basic Skills: Ignis Fatuus, Forest Heart
Level Skills: Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura
Ultimate Skill: Tranquility

Expert Huntress
Hunter Hero, Adept to find enemy armies or lone units/heroes and fight them from distance. Expert in hit and run tactics. Devastating if accompanied by ranged units. Can catch single units and once at high levels can permanently capture enemy units and add them in her army.

Basic Skills: Huntress Net, Scout Familiar
Level Skills: Summon Hunting Companion, Envenomed Arrows, Trueshot Aura
Ultimate Skill: Charm

Baby Demon
Damaging and Support Hero, powerful against armies. When he attacks affects more units, strengthens friendly units with his presence and with his spells frightens, degrades, softens or hurts his enemies. When he reaches enough power can grow and unleash his true nature to crush and incinerate the useless mortals.

Basic Skills: Unholy Aura, Cleaving Attack
Level Skills: Black Sun, Rain of Fire, Howl of Terror
Ultimate Skill: DADDY IS HERE

Voodoo Master
Support and Healer Hero, best healer Hero. Can heal multiple units simultaneously. With his powers can see and hit enemies from great distances. Uses his power to support his army during battles. His greatest ability rends his army invulnerable and unbeatable.

Basic Skills: Mind Vision, Healing Ward
Level Skills: Voodoo Doll, Hex, Healing Wave
Ultimate Skill: Big Bad Voodoo

Murder Hero, very strong in 1 vs 1 fights. Uses acid to damage and stun enemies. Can inflict heavy critical damage. Can also infect enemies and neutral units with parasites to heavily slow and damage infected units, spawning little aliens. His hunt is lethal, lone enemies cannot do nothing against an hungry Alien.

Basic Skills: Armored Skin, Acid Blood
Level Skills: Parasite, Spit Acid, Jaw Tongue
Ultimate Skill: Hunting for Prey

New Features
- Custom Army game.
- RP Heroes and units.
- Your units have ranks and can use items.
- You can revive your hero with the shared altar (Neutral altar usable by every player).
- Special units: Ex. The Tamer, can be bought in hidden shops around the map if you have 4 or less units left. Use this unit to recruit a new army of creeps.
- Other new special units like the Bard, the Thief, the Bounty Hunter.
- Cool secrets to discover.
- New Heroes and Units.
- New Items and Recipes.
- New Game Concept.

- Fixed Bug about power-ups and units
- 2 New Modalities (FFA and Interamnia Cup FFA) and Starting Sets Added
- New Icons and Skills Added to Heroes
- Improved Effects of some Skills
- 2 New Units
- Added a Cup Victory Timer

- Fixed Memory leaks (Almost everyone, but surely there will still be one... somewhere…)
- 9 New Units (Inscriptioner, Alchemist, Battlefield Medic, High Elf Spearman etc…)
- New Hero Models and Unit Models
- New Skills and Animations
- New Features like Gold Mines and Tercas Banks
- Fixed Cup Victory Timer
- Fixed and improved Cup Victory Conditions
- Weather Added
- Heroes, Units and Prices Balance
- Fixed Minor Bugs
- Cup Spawn Fixed and Improved
- New Secrets Added
- Small Terrain Improvement
- Solo Game Fixed and Improved
- Added Credits
- Quest Box Improved (Info Box)
- Added Hero Descriptions
- New Custom Loading Screen
- 3.6 Mb Growth
- Added reference points and contacts

-Game Balance
- Game Improved
- Solo Game Improved
- Victory Conditions Improved
- Text Improved
- Triggers Improved
- Scripts Improved
- Timers Improved
- End Game Battle Added
- 1 New Unit
- New Icons
- New Special Effects
- Level Up Text Added

Coming Soon
NEXT RELEASE: Who knows!
- New Mods and features (Bosses Spawn Mod, Hell Spawn Mod)
- Gameplay Screenshots
- Maybe Gameplay Video
- All Kind of Balance
- Terrain Improvement
- New Items
- New Secrets
- Units Improvement
- Chivalry Charge
- Kill dam alive memory leaks
- Surely something else new and cool!

Creator: Hell_Max

Ideas: solid1977, Hell_Max

Tester: Hell_Max, solid1977, chuck512, vikino93, Ermanne

Models: Frankster, Kuhneghetz, -Grendel, Pyramidhe@d, Miseracords, Ironmaiden, Mephestrial, Afronight 76, Republicola, Sephiroth VII, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Norinrad, AlienAntFarm, Elenai, Deolrin, eubz, Radagast, Epsilon, Tranquil, Mr. Bob, Darkholme, Mc !, Kitabatake, Hell-Max

Icons: PeeKay, CRAZYRUSSIAN, NFWar, Marcos DAB, I3lackDeath, Darkfang, Mr. Goblin, Stanakin, Anachron, KelThuzad, M0rbid, -JonNny, sPy, Afronight 76, Frankster, Sopho, Norinrad, Deolrin, Static, Rae Van Morlock, 4eNNightmare, bigapple90, Kazzo, Nudl9, L Lawliet, -Berz-, 67chrome, Darkholme, Huinipachutli, Elainiel, Orthon, b17rider, RoboHippo, Infinitynexus, Hell_Max

Please check Authors works on The Hive Workshops

E-Mail or Skype of Hell_Max: [email protected]

Looking For Testers: If you want to join us and be part of our work team as a tester contact Hell_Max on Skype, pm Hell_Max on The Hive Workshop or simply write an e-mail!

Gaming: The Work Team usually creates an Interamnia Wars Game in Europe RPG Room 1 at 11:00 Pm + (Europe – London time +1 - GTM +1 - 11:00 pm)

Please give feedback, comments, review, critics, hints and vote the map; all kind of comments are accepted (do not spam/insult!). Thank you all for your replies, time and kindness! Enjoy the map and have fun!

Custom, Army, RPG, Large Map, Battle, Strategic

Interamnia Wars v1.2a (Map)

Date: 19:22:31 23-Jan-12 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 3/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message! Comment: I like it, but I suggest some unique things. Also add single player or test mode :)




Date: 19:22:31 23-Jan-12
Map Moderator: -Kobas-
Map Status: Approved 3/5
Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message!

Comment: I like it, but I suggest some unique things. Also add single player or test mode :)
Level 7
Oct 30, 2010
Improve your details using BB codes and add some gameplay screenshots.
edit:some heroes the skill details dun have any damage please fix it.Also to make your game unique put some custom skills,it wont cost anything
Level 2
Jan 15, 2012
Ty for replies and suggestions :) ! I will improve Hero skills and some Model.
How to clean memory leaks? I can't find it out, tried but nothing solved.
I will soon improve the Interamnia Cup Mode (Capture the Flag) and add some new features, but I have to solve the memory leak first... :goblin_cry:
Hope to improve the game and make it 100% anti-crash! :goblin_yeah:
Level 2
Jun 28, 2011
I try playing solo im in color red and i set all the other slot to computer then when the game begin i type -solo and it said single player enabled and as the timer turn to zero and my unit transported in the map then its say i win and i didn't do anything:p did i do something wrong?
Level 2
Jan 15, 2012
I try playing solo im in color red and i set all the other slot to computer then when the game begin i type -solo and it said single player enabled and as the timer turn to zero and my unit transported in the map then its say i win and i didn't do anything:p did i do something wrong?
Ty for your reply! Of course, I did something wrong :goblin_boom:, I noticed, I already fixed the problem, the functional Solo Game will be released in the next version of the game, which will be released in mid-February with new features, maybe new units, screenshots and fixed bugs... I just have to figure out how to remove Memory Leaks and it is done! Hope someone can help me with them! :goblin_wtf: If someone knows how to fix them, or what can cause them please help me and let me know! Thanks all :goblin_good_job:

Good News! I figured it out about memory leaks, next game release: Mid-February, Late February!!! :goblin_good_job:
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Level 2
Jun 28, 2011
Ty for your reply! Of course, I did something wrong :goblin_boom:, I noticed, I already fixed the problem, the functional Solo Game will be released in the next version of the game, which will be released in mid-February with new features, maybe new units, screenshots and fixed bugs... I just have to figure out how to remove Memory Leaks and it is done! Hope someone can help me with them! :goblin_wtf: If someone knows how to fix them, or what can cause them please help me and let me know! Thanks all :goblin_good_job:

Good News! I figured it out about memory leaks, next game release: Mid-February, Late February!!! :goblin_good_job:

Well Hope you can fix it :D
i'll try playing this on a lan or on garena and later i will give a review :DD

Well I'll played the map and i enjoy so this is my honest REview :D

hmmm the map is good but it need more custom hero and unit.
so i give you


well i can see no problem in your terrain it would be better if you could improved the terrain more


i have fun playing this but i hope you can add more time before revealing the map


4/5 GREAT lol :p

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Level 2
Jan 15, 2012
TYVM for your review! :grin: 4/5 GREAT is a super evaluation! :D ! Thanks!


-I will create or customize heroes but I want them to be 20 at least. (less there would be little choice, the other hand being too many, excessive, I want every player to have an alternative choice and that they can use well more than one hero). New skills, new special effects, new models.

-Ty for the terrain review! I will improve it more :) !

-The Sudden Death (Show Map) Is a way to end the game, if it comes too early the game may seem hasty and not very strategic, if it arrives too late the game may seem boring and too slow. It's an hard choice to extend the Sudden Death Time but I will see how to make it balanced.

-New units will come soon (especially in the support section, mechanic, beast, air and magic) Anticipation: The Blacksmith and The Witch (supports), The Sage (Strong Mage > 200Gold), ranged mechanical units like archers, siege organic units (Beast Section), flying mage (Air Section). New models will be used.

-New Features: § Gold Mine and Tercas Bank ( A bank that will be placed in the opposite side to the gold mine ) will generate a little income for the player who takes control of one of them. (Both = Double Income)
§ Secret Items of the opposite side (Light and Dark) can't be hold together or they will kill the carrier. (You can use only dark secret items or light secret items with the same unit, using one or more light and one or more dark will cause death)
§ Builders and buildings will be improved to be balanced.
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Level 15
Sep 17, 2010
Download, test, review.

Edit: I did find the concept of the map very interesting! But the map needs more polishing and price changes. Also some types in the word "Engeneer" > Engineer and "monsters liar" > Monsters lair.
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Level 2
Jan 15, 2012
Tyvm for your reply! :) !

Yes, I have to balance prices but it wont be easy cause of new features (bank and gold mine income). Consider that you can also decide not to spend all of your initial budget to hire the army, that's a personal choice a player could take, saving money to buy items, potions, buildings and other things.

Prices balance will be done for sure, but it will take some time.
Thanks for letting me notice errors, they will certainly be corrected in v1.2.

Important: I will add credits for Icons, Models and Abilities to respective creators! Thanks to the entire community for help and resources! Thanks to moderators for the Map Page!
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Level 2
Jul 17, 2015
is this a gud map? where do i put it in the maps/download or maps/frozenthrone or maps/frozenthrone/scenarios or maps/scenarios???

i just came here to read the comments :nw::pal:
Level 2
Jan 15, 2012
is this a gud map? where do i put it in the maps/download or maps/frozenthrone or maps/frozenthrone/scenarios or maps/scenarios???

i just came here to read the comments :nw::pal:

It is! :) put it in maps/download. More players=better experience. The single player feature is just for fun/testing new armies and heroes combinations.
The real deal is the multiplayer :) have fun!