I'm Hungry

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Level 2
Jun 17, 2004
I'm hungry, and I was wondering whether one of you people could come over to my house and feed me, since im too lazy to move from my computer chair. :(

O, and I was also wondering if sum1 could make a Demon Hunter without his weapons, Demon Hunter is ma main man. If one already exists, please point me to it.

Also, if sum1 could tell me where to get a model editor for free off the net sumwhere.

if any of these 3 things are addresses, i will be most grateful :) :D
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004

1. I can't find you lol, I don't where you live and I don't know what you like to eat and thats just ridiculous man!

2. To remove the demon hunter's weapons (the 2 blades) you'll have to alpha it out with Photoshop. Triggers can't do it. I could do it for ya if I could but I use Paint Shop Pro and I can't find the alpha tool anywhere

3. All modelling programs are not free - you think you can just download a model program, go what the hell omg? (after installation) and start making models. Well your obviously a newb modelling isnt straight forward you can't do it right away! Even I a experienced guy can't model You gotta buy them.
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