Icon/Button request [crossed axe+sword]

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Level 1
Sep 7, 2006
Hello there,

first of all, I'd like to state that I don't expect anything from anyone. This is just a trial to get a cool icon I unfortunately could not find by searching the web [including this site].
I am adding recipes to my map now. It would be nice if the recipe icons would somehow hint at the items combined. If I have two swords combined the following link shows a very good example of how a recipe item should look like!

Well, my map is not like "swords only"... ;)

I am actually looking for an icon with an axe and a sword crossed like in the example above.
My axe icon is the following:

But I don't care if the axe is not the same. Pretty unimportant. It might also be cool if icon only shows the shapes of an axe and a sword.

But you probably know better what looks cool and what doesn't.

I'd give credits in the map, of course!

If no one has the time or anything similar, I'll understand that!! I don't know how much work it is, but I know that I would really appreciate a nice custom icon.

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Level 1
Sep 7, 2006
hey, thanks first of all!

I think it's a good start though in my opinion the axe (and sword) is a little too shapy ^^

It's too one-colored in general. Some more light would help probably.
And btw, my axe is double bladed like that --> (_||_)

but it's not too bad if it stays one-bladed. really! just a hint.

Thanks for your work! Maybe you could do anything to give it more plasticity, more form. I'd like the icon or the image on it to be clearly seeable. On the first look! And more color than green and black would also be cool. If that's too much the icon will do it! I'll save it for now.

the axe: http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/icons/1003/ (named Bloodthirst)
the sword: http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/icons/357/ (named Spineripper)
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