Upgraded version of footman. Has holy blade, and cold blade abilities. Deals critical damage to non-hero units.
Skytank T32
Slow moving flying fortress. Automatically attack all enemy units within range. Deals enormous damage to buildings, but has height price as well.
Increases knights damage.
Mirthil Hammers
Increases Gryphon Riders damage.
Arcana of Magic
Increases damage and mana regeneration of magic units.
Spirit Magic (Hidden)
Increases power, duration and mana cost of magic units spells.
Magic Glaive
Increases Spellbreakers damage.
Increases buildings sight range.
Town Watch
Increases towers sight range.
Increases amount of gold that peasants can carry.
Mage Armor
Increases HP and armor of sorceress and priest
Sniper Rifes
Gives sharpshooter chance for critical strike against air units
Increases sharpshooter damage against ground living units
Veteran Grunt
Powerful Grunt with improved strength.
Troll Dark Priest
Dark mage of Trolls, experienced in fire magic.
New Spears
Increases damage and attack range of trolls head hunters and berserkers.
Improved lumber harvesting
Increases amount of lumber that peons can carry.
Bull Blood
Increasing Taurens attack speed.
Shamans Battle Training
Increases damage and hit points of Shamans.
Increases damage and move speed of Riders.
Agility (Hidden)
Increases damage of Wind Riders.
War Songs
Reduces training time of Kodo Riders and increases their power.
Reduces training time of Grunts
Increases damage of all player melee units
Advanced offensive unit. Deals additional damage to living units.
Meat Golem
Powerful melee unit. Sprays more powerful plague cloud.
Frost Breath (Hidden)
Increases attack range and speed of Frost Wyrms.
Necromancer Battle Training (Hidden)
Increases damage and hit points of Necromancers.
Inner Soul
Increases hit points of Ghouls and Graviers.
Nerubian Venom
Increases damage and attack speed of Crypt Friends.
Impure Power
Increases damage and hit points of skeleton warriors and mages.
Mind Magic
Increases power and mana cost of spells of Necromancers and Banshees.
Increases attack speed of butchers and gives them life steal ablility
Increases power of Rise Dead
City of Souls
Gives Black Citadel ability to attack all targets in range, increases damage of Citadel and Banshee and gives Banshee chance to release Frost Nova
Night Elf's
Let it be secret...