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- Mar 29, 2011
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I, made a spell out of boredom but I've seen something wrong with it. Could someone tell me why the effect per second is disabled when some other hero cast the same spell here?
You can download the unedited version(the original without indices] here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/binding-poison-1-0-a-214144/
I need it to be not using hastables or Jass. It should only be using indexing.
- Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability being cast) Equal to Binding Poison
- -------- Dont change anyhting here --------
- Set Index[0] = (Index[0] + 1)
- Set TimeIndex = Index[0]
- Set EffectIndex = (Custom value of Target[Index[0]])
- Set time_multiplier[TimeIndex] = 2.00
- Game - Display to (All players) for 3.00 seconds the text: (String(Index[0]))
- -------- I am setting some thing her to fire in the next trigger --------
- Set Caster[Index[0]] = (Triggering unit)
- Set TempCasterPosition[Index[0]] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
- Set Target[Index[0]] = (Target unit of ability being cast)
- Set TempTargetPosition[Index[0]] = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
- -------- Now adding some effects --------
- Special Effect - Create a special effect at TempTargetPosition[Index[0]] using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Immolation\ImmolationTarget.mdl
- Set SpecialEffect_chest[EffectIndex] = (Last created special effect)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Target[Index[0]] using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\CorrosiveBreath\ChimaeraAcidTargetArt.mdl
- Set SpecialEffect_origin[EffectIndex] = (Last created special effect)
- Lightning - Create a Mana Flare lightning effect from source TempCasterPosition[Index[0]] to target TempTargetPosition[Index[0]]
- Set Lightning[EffectIndex] = (Last created lightning effect)
- -------- I also set the damage for easy reach --------
- -------- you can reset the values below --------
- Set DamageGiven[Index[0]] = 20.00
- Set DamageMultiplier[Index[0]] = 15.00
- -------- don't touch here --------
- Set PoisonLevel[Index[0]] = (Level of Binding Poison for Caster[Index[0]])
- Set Damage_A[Index[0]] = ((Real(PoisonLevel[Index[0]])) + DamageMultiplier[Index[0]])
- Set Damage = (Damage_A[Index[0]] + DamageGiven[Index[0]])
- Set time[TimeIndex] = (((Real(PoisonLevel[Index[0]])) x time_multiplier[Index[0]]) + 5.00)
- -------- custom script below will remove leaking locations --------
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempCasterPosition[udg_Index[0]])
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempTargetPosition[udg_Index[0]])
- -------- everything is ready to fire on the next trigger --------
- Trigger - Turn on Casted <gen>
- -------- now, the ability will take effect --------
- Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
- Conditions
- -------- starting the effect by setting the time --------
- Set time[TimeIndex] = (time[TimeIndex] - 1.00)
- Game - Display to (All players) for 1.50 seconds the text: (String(time[TimeIndex]))
- -------- the effect of the ability --------
- -------- I decided to pause the unit affected by the ability --------
- Unit - Pause Target[Index[(Integer A)]]
- -------- below is how the target gets the damage --------
- Unit - Cause Caster[Index[0]] to damage Target[Index[(Integer A)]], dealing Damage damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- time[TimeIndex] Greater than or equal to 1.00
Then - Actions
- Lightning - Destroy Lightning[EffectIndex]
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- if everything is done, this trigger will close for the next use of this ability --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
- time[TimeIndex] Less than or equal to 0.00
- (Life of Target[Index[0]]) Equal to 0.00
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
Then - Actions
- Unit - Unpause Target[Index[0]]
- -------- Special effects destroyed at this point --------
- Special Effect - Destroy SpecialEffect_chest[EffectIndex]
- Special Effect - Destroy SpecialEffect_origin[EffectIndex]
- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
- -------- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ --------
- -------- AoE Units are affected just once --------
- -------- Units sorrounding the enemy unit as target of ability being cast are also affected but after the effect of the ability. The AoE is set to 512.00 as default. --------
- -------- You can disable or delete the actions below that runs the AoEso the ability will not have AoE --------
- -------- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ --------
- -------- Setting something good for AoE --------
- -------- You can reset the values below --------
- Set AreaMultiplier[Index[0]] = 10
- Set Damage_Area[Index[0]] = 390.00
- -------- Don't try to touch anything below --------
- Set AoE[Index[0]] = (PoisonLevel[Index[0]] x AreaMultiplier[Index[0]])
- Set AoEReal[Index[0]] = ((Real(AoE[Index[0]])) + Damage_Area[Index[0]])
- Set DamagedUnits[Index[0]] = (Units within AoEReal[Index[0]] of (Position of Target[Index[0]]))
Unit Group - Pick every unit in DamagedUnits[Index[(Integer A)]] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Cause Caster[Index[0]] to damage (Picked unit), dealing Damage damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
Loop - Actions
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_DamagedUnits[udg_Index[0]])
- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
- -------- and turned off this trigger --------
- Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- -------- Spell Done --------
- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
I need it to be not using hastables or Jass. It should only be using indexing.
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