I can't download Milkshape

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Level 1
May 7, 2008
Waaa :cry: I cant download Milkshape to make models..... Anyone help me? ANYONE IF YOU CAN HELP EMAIL ME!!! :( I rly rly wanna make a custom skin!

Also, how do I make quests that can rewarded people and finish?
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
Milkshape has a trial period, then you have to pay to use it,
but to make skins you don't need it. You just need paint and warcraft 3 viewer, a tool which you can download from this site in the tool section.
You can manage quests using triggers.
Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
You dont need milkshape to make a custom skin, MS is a modelling program. Just use photoshop. Any image editing will work, but photoshop is the best imo.
Level 1
May 7, 2008
What are you having problems with? Extracting Milkshape from the .zip file or downloading ir off the site?

i cant download anything thats got to do with warcraft..... when i click download it says the open thing or cancel thing but the open is in gray....

Milkshape has a trial period, then you have to pay to use it,
but to make skins you don't need it. You just need paint and warcraft 3 viewer, a tool which you can download from this site in the tool section.
You can manage quests using triggers.

How do I acculy leik make quests from the same person after that?

Plz.... someone plz help me when i try to download something which is about warcraft the open buttun is gray..... plz help me!

Waaaaa :cry: plz help
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