I cannot load custom models that use texture from the game.

Level 5
Jul 30, 2024
I made a custom melee map using custom models that worked for a while without any issues but now most of the skins doesn't load anymore.

All the custom models who use custom textures (ex: Titan_03 ) still load as normal but all the models that uses in-
game textures
(ex: Warhammer Infantry Pack ) doesn't load anymore.

It worked for months before this happened. What can cause this and how can i get it to work again? Thank you!
Level 33
May 14, 2021
What Warcraft III version are you currently using?

Some of the imported assets can be corrupted if you are using the latest version of the World Editor (1.36). Try saving your map as a folder and having at least 1 original copy of the map.
It is advised that you don't open the game along with the World Editor, and that you don't open two maps at a same time with the World Editor, as these can cause an unwanted effects with your existing map.
Level 5
Jul 30, 2024
I am using 1.36.
So if i understand, i cannot fix it but i can prevent it from happening in the future by using folders and not opening two WorldEditor maps at the same time?
Level 33
May 14, 2021
I am using 1.36.
So if i understand, i cannot fix it but i can prevent it from happening in the future by using folders and not opening two WorldEditor maps at the same time?
Generally, saving your map as a folder with the latest version of the World Editor reduces the risk of map corruption, though it doesn't completely fix the corrupted assets (you can still replace them with the fresh ones). The only advantage is that you don't need to use WE in case it's malfunctioned in order to replace the corrupted assets.