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Hullo here.

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Level 3
Nov 15, 2012
Hoo boy, am I ever bad with introductions.

Anyhow, name's Karruna. I've been a long-time lurker of the Workshop, but I've only recently gotten back to the ever-interesting world of Warcraft 3 mapmaking. 'Course, my skills are beyond amateur at best (I've mucked around a bit with terraining and basic cinematics, but not much more than that). Hoping to work on that.

My strengths are mostly concept work, story/character development and design, and worldbuilding, though I also do some writing on occasion even though my writing skills are honestly not that good. Drawing's one of my all-time passions, though.

I also like playing Warcraft 3 despite being kind of bad at it.

But yeah, I'm pretty much a dweeb who wants to try a shot at mapmaking (or at least terraining work and concept stuff) and possibly help the WC3 modding community. Glad to be here, I guess? owo;
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