how to make a unit teleport attack and tele back

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Level 3
Aug 25, 2004
Ya.. i need some help with this spell.

I am making a hero that has a skill where he teleports (like blink) behind a unit and attacks it, then teleports back to his original spot.

I was thinking of using a dummy Hero and making the hero invisible, but when i did it it didn't work. Plz help and include what triggers to use.

Thx a lot

- = Beat-Down = -
Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
I can help. First off, you don't need a dummy unit for this spell will be all animation and less actual damaging. Now you'll only need ad ummy unit to track your begining position. What you do is instantly move your hero to your opponent, play his/her attack animation and deal the damage via triggers and then move them back after the damage has been dealt. Simply enough i suppose.
Level 3
Aug 25, 2004
ok this is my trigger can u tell me the problem.. he does everything except kills the unit..
Event - A Unit Begins Casting An Ability

Condition - (ability Being Cast) Equal To Quick Burst<spell name>

Actions -
Unit - Creat 1 "Elite" for neutral hostile at (position of (triggering unit)) facing default ect.

Unit - Last created unit

Unit - move (triggering unit) instantly to (target point of ability being cast)

Animation - Play (triggering units) attack anim.

Wait - .5 second

Unit - Kill (Target unit of ability being cast)

Wait - 1 second

Unit - Move (triggering unit) instantly to (position of (last created unit))

Unit - Remove (last created unit) from the game
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