Find the option in Object Editor, Stats - Hero then set it to True! It will surely show the Ico Research because a hero abilities does requires an Icon Reasearch =)
It's already set to True actually, that's why I'm a bit confused.
Restart your World Editor and see the data fields again if the Research part is there. There should be a research. Just tested it and works fine.
Restarted & it's still the same, if I use other skills to convert then the tooltip & research buttons options will be there but when I use this skill, it's just not there. By the way, the skill I'm using is the "spell book" skill.
Now, I think the Spell Book ability needs can't be researched, but added through a trigger:
You might want to check the tutorials I referred you to earlier.
- Unit - Add Ability to Unit
Oh now I get it, only the spellbook cannot be seen in because there is not really a way to research it. I am afraid this is hardcoded in Warcraft itself.