How to increase level cap for ROC map

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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
The RoC editor doesn't have a "Gameplay Constants" tab, alex.
It doesn't have an import manager either (at least, I couldn't find it), so you cannot import the gameplay constants manually either.

Just get TFT ^^ It's so much easier to work with.
+ the content on this site is for TFT. We cannot guarantee that everything works with the RoC editor (some stuff might work, but the majority will not).
Level 7
Jul 20, 2009
1 Question, the TFT HLW map has an edited Version for RoC, in it, hero lvls can be more than 10, Abilities have been modified, and I'm sure much more of TFT things have been put into that RoC map, how is that possible? What exactly did the Owner of the map do?

Edit: It is just the exact copy of the TFT version, but made into a RoC map.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
He converted the TFT map to a RoC one by messing with the MPQ.

This is because, even though actions are very limited in GUI (RoC), JASS can still handle the same functions.
So the map is converted to JASS first and then made into a .w3m file (instead of .w3x).

As DSG mentioned, it might be possible to increase the hero level by importing a file (war3mapMisc.txt) inside the MPQ itself.
The tutorial linked above proves that statement (though I did not test it myself).

That said, if the original poster does not have TFT, then creating it in TFT first and converting it to RoC afterward is not possible. He'll either have to learn JASS to be able to use more triggers and import war3mapMisc.txt and war3mapSkin.txt-files to change some values, or he just has to buy TFT and do everything the easy way..
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