- Joined
- Apr 23, 2011
- Messages
- 322
- Unit - A unit Begins training a unit
- (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Barracks
- Set RatGroup = (Units in Barracks training start <gen> matching ((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Recruit [1]) and (((Percentage life of (Matching unit)) Greater than or equal to 75.00) and ((Percentage mana of (Matchi
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Real((Number of units in RatGroup))) Greater than or equal to 1.00
- (Real((Level of 444Helmets for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))) Greater than or equal to 2.00
- (Real((Level of 444Shields for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))) Greater than or equal to 2.00
- (Real((Level of 444Swords for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))) Greater than or equal to 2.00
- (Real((Level of 444Metal Plates for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))) Greater than or equal to 6.00
Then - Actions
- Unit - Remove (Random unit from RatGroup) from the game
- Unit - Set level of 444Helmets for Warehouse 0330 <gen> to ((Integer((Real((Level of 444Helmets for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))))) - 1)
- Unit - Set level of 444Shields for Warehouse 0330 <gen> to ((Integer((Real((Level of 444Shields for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))))) - 1)
- Unit - Set level of 444Swords for Warehouse 0330 <gen> to ((Integer((Real((Level of 444Swords for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))))) - 1)
- Unit - Set level of 444Metal Plates for Warehouse 0330 <gen> to ((Integer((Real((Level of 444Metal Plates for Warehouse 0330 <gen>))))) - 5)
Else - Actions
- Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(GetTriggerUnit(), 851976)
- Set tempforce = (Player group((Owner of Barracks 0200 <gen>)))
- Game - Display to tempforce the text: Insufficient resour...
- Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_tempforce)
If - Conditions
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup (udg_RatGroup)
Everything works perfectly except one thing...the trigger doesn't make any difference between units that are about to be trained.(Footman, Archer, etc.=all are the same=bad)
So, I need a way to detect that unit's type
I also found something (hail google) that might work, but I have no idea how to use it
[triggger]Custom script: GetTrainedUnitType()
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