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How to allow Players to Ally in game?

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Hi there, I'm trying to work out how to allow players to ally in game using the Ally Menu screen NOT using ally commands like "-ally red".

Does anyone know what setting I need to have the map set to allow this? I am trying to test it but the ally screen is always blanked out, is that because I'm testing it in single player? Is the ally menu always disabled during single player games?
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
The ally screen is only available in multiplayer, not singleplayer. As far as I'm aware, you cannot toggle alliances in this menu regardless of what settings you enable/disable.

Although you don't want to, you have to trigger alliances. The most common form is commands like you mentioned earlier. You could also use diaglog boxes instead or something if you wanted to.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
No toggling alliances is possible in the ally screen, I know it is because I've played maps where this was possible, you were able to set whether to ally or ally with shared sight.

If I can't properly test this on single player I guess I could already have the settings correct I just won't know until the map goes to beta, that sucks :(
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