VILOC said:
i dont know were to post this so its gunna go here how do u make items so only one or a few chars can use?
Here the code that you really need for one or few char can use.
Unit - A unit Acquires and item
-Or - Any (Conditions) are true
- Conditions
(Item type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Sword
-If (All conditions are True) then do (Then actions) else do (Else Action)
-If - Conditions
(Unit - type of (Hero manipulated item)) Not equal to BloodMage
-Then Actions
Hero - Drop (Item being manipulated) from (Hero manipulated item)
Else Actions
Skip remaining actions
-If (((Hero manipulated item) has (Item being manipulater) Equal to False) and (((Item being manipulated) is a Power up) Equal to False)) then do <put any msg here if you wanna tell player .. you can wear or pick up this item watever you want, this from the Actions, not then actions or els actions,>
i dont know if you understand but let me explain a little for ya..
At the item type <Equal to> ( Sword ) you can add any item that you dont wanna heroes to pick up, this means its will drop from slot if hero acquires,
At the unit type <Not Equal to> ( BloodMage ) you can add any hero that allow to use this item <Sword> not equal to BloodMage its mean <Sword> will not drop when BloodMage acquires but other will,
you can email me at
[email protected] for more triggers cause i dont have time to post on here,,,
Download my map and see how i sets only the right type of heroes can use items