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How do i make my own minimap and loadingscreen???

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Level 4
May 30, 2004
Hi experts!!!

I have some pictures and i would like to put them in so they can be a minimap and a loadingscreen. How do i put them in???
I have imported the pictures to the map as tga files.


Level 2
Jun 20, 2004
Someone atleast give him a link.
Here's the Loading Screen Tutorial: http://www.wc3sear.ch/viewtopic.php?t=739

And I know someone has already explained how to do the minimap. Just make sure the pic is TGA and 256x256. Import it like you did and make the path: war3mapPreview.tga

If you mean an custom pic on the minimap while you're actually playing the game ask Sopho. I forgot the path for it.
Level 4
May 30, 2004
i have made a minimap in 250 x 200 do that affect any thing. it is tga and i have changed the to war3MapPrewiev.tga but i simply can't get it to work!!!!!!
Level 6
May 5, 2004
You... what do you think we' re talking about all the time? It' s IrfanView, the best image editing for the moment. The only problem is, it cannot convert .Tga in .Blp, I think it' s a big plugin coming soon. Get IrfanView at the official web site, www.irfanview.com

Have fun.

But by the way I wonder why, when I go on the GIMP web site, it tells me of downloading pretty much features before... Download GTK+, before downloading it, you will need JOS, and everything... I prefer Wc3Viewer and IrfanView for my editing. I also use a bit PhotoShop 6.0.

Ps: Edited 1 time.
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
Irfanview will never release a plugin to convert jpeg, .bmp or .tga to .blp. .blp is blizzard picture which is designed by Blizzard Entertainment for use in Warcraft III. .blp isn't used and known worldwide as its only specially designed for Warcraft III, and thats a game. Irfanview can open .blp sometimes though but in a " bluey " colour.
Level 4
May 30, 2004
were do i download that special loadinscreen mdx for blp files ???? A link would be apreciaded <-- i'm a bad speller <--- that to :oops:
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
oz02 said:
1) Yes, just do either Edit->Resize or Image->Resize (Im not sure, I don't have IrfanView anymore)

2) You can either extract the LoadingScreen.mdx from the MPQ archive, or extract it from Blizzard's Monolith map.

No, there are 2 specific loadingscreen.mdx for .blp and .tga. Read my tutorial for more information on this.
If resizing the image doesn't accurately work, its because the length of the image should be equal (example: 100 x 100 pixles can be resized accurately instead of 200 x 433 pixles)
Level 4
May 30, 2004
I have checked your tutorial several times, and i got it to work, but now i want the loadingscreen to be in blp. file. I just need the special loadingscreen.mdx for blp. files. I have checked the website you wrote it were in but i can't find it. :roll:
Level 6
May 5, 2004
You took your time, didn' t you... But don' t worry, professionnals are made for helping those who have troubles. When creating your loading scree, don' t forget to crop your parts after doing "Edit->Cut-Leave Selection", or you will have the image of about the same size, and with a little part of the image circled by black... For minimap, you should have a 126x126 or 258x258 pixels image exactly, then import it on your editor, name it War3MapPreview.Tga (must be in .Tga or it won' t work), and don' t forget to remove the "See minimap icon" on the W-E.
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