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How do i make heals give out gold?

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Level 5
Jun 27, 2010
Im making a Zombie map and how do u do this kind of a trigger: Marine Medics in map arent meant for fighting more for healing and that means they dont get alot of gold. How do i make a trigger that gives them gold for healing like for exmple: "heals some1 with holy light then gets 50 gold for casting holy light on them":vw_wtf:
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Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Use Starts the effect of an ability because if you use the Finishes casting an ability, if the player cast the spell and interrupts the unit's "Casting Animation", the Action could never be fired

Use (Triggering player) instead of (Owner of (Casting unit))
You call 2 function where you can save time/efficiency by just calling it once.
Are you sure this works? As far as I am aware it does not (as many jass spells use the owner of casting unit route).

To be honest, I used to have some problems with (Triggering player) as well. Sometimes it works, but not as a general rule. It's kind of silly, if you think about it, it's like using (Picked player) instead of (Owner of (Picked unit)). These event responses theoritically (and practically) refer to units and players respectively.
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