HotS Cho'gall Coop system and Abathur Symbiote system

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
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type -go as player red and you can start testing

I reproduced Chogall & Abathur's unique gameplay style from HotS

Chogall is a single hero controlled by 2 players, Cho can move and use spells of his own while Gall just has to use his long ranged spells independently of Cho, killing Chogall counts as 2 kills (they've got the same health)

Abathur can use Symbiote on the chosen allied unit which makes him unable to do anything except use assist the target by shooting spikes from it and shielding it

As a bonus theres the rest of their spells from HotS but most of em are unfinished

There's still alot of spells to code along with missing HotS sounds/animations/models and SFX on cast/hit/buff to be added

Credits: chogall model found in hive, wc2 chogall icon & hots icons & abathur model from blizzard

Cho Gath Abathur hero (Map)

Hello, please check Resource Submission Rules (Models, skins, icons, spells & systems) first before uploading your submission. I honestly don't know where to begin. This spellpack is a complete mess. First of all, your description does not describe...


Spell Reviewer
Level 25
Aug 27, 2013
please check Resource Submission Rules (Models, skins, icons, spells & systems) first before uploading your submission.

I honestly don't know where to begin. This spellpack is a complete mess.
First of all, your description does not describe your spellpack well enough.
Please explain what are the spells that this spellpack contains and what they do.
Also, unfinished spell is not a bonus at all. It's just a useless code sitting there wasting space.
We very much prefer a ready-to-use spellpack. So please remove them if they are not ready for a release yet.

Also the system of controlling one hero by 2 players is actually very simple by design, thus calling this a system is a bit too much.
Spellpack is much more fitting.

You have four separate init triggers and there's no reason for them to be separated. Please combine them.
You used the init triggers to register the abilities and to adjust their ability data from there.. why?
Why don't you just give those abilities with proper settings from object editor right away? I don't see a good reason to do this.
Using them to register the abilities is completely fine, however.
It is also highly recommended to use them as configuration for the values relevant to the spells.

A lot of the things you did in this spellpack is very much questionable and documentation is done very poorly.
Surging Fist does not dash nor does it knocking enemies aside.
Consuming Blaze does nothing.
In fact, none of the spell works properly except Ogre Hide.
We can't accept a resource that does not work. Please make them work and release them only when they are ready to use.
If you need help with your triggers, you can ask around at Triggers & Scripts

I'm sorry but this resource does not meet hive's standard, therefore it is far from acceptable at its current state.
Please fix the issues and update the resource.
When you do, please don't forget to create a proper documentation on how to use, how to test, and how things work in your code.
And also create a changelog so we can track the changes you make.

Resource is set to
Awaiting Update