Horns&Halos nagas balboop city

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
dustin doner an epic O RPG 8 pepl FFA or teams well tested and all werks ita all new and everything is customizabl masiv scrip codes i sent over 4 yesrs revamping and guting and picking at thiss game its vaery big so load times are slow but werth the wate vaery fun online up tp 8 pepl teams or FFA

warcraft 3 epic O RPG

Horns&Halos nagas balboop city (Map)

19:09, 14th May 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
You uploaded 6 same like maps.
Changing terrain don't create new map.
Memory leaks, bad triggers, you speak about RPG but user interface isn't edited at all (not even through scripts).

I will reject all of them, sry, work only on 1 at the time, and improve it a lot cuz it can be improved. Come back with epic shit or create thread in map development forum here on THW so we can work on it together :)