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Level 1
Aug 7, 2009
Hey and Hi :p
Knowing this site for some time now, I just decided to register and join one of the best WC III communitys I've ever seen (yes I know, there's a green slimy trace behing me xD)

So now to the person behind 'Rabenherz':
My name is Pascal (Without an 'e', with 'e' it would be feminine^^)
I'm currently living in Germany playing Warcraft most times on Nothrend under the nick xXBastardXx.
I try to map...sometimes it works, sometimes not...
(Hey, I can make TDs, what do you want more? :D)

I regististered here (is it now time for a 'myself'? Stupid me...sould learn more english :p) because I hope to find some help with my mapping problems and help some others if I can help.

So here I am, try to catch up :grin:
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