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Heroes Factory!

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Hero Factory! Make your own hero

:fp:I am looking for heroes ideas!
If you have any hero in your mind, post it here!
Its for my new AOS project. For original and good ideas i am giving :fp:credits and :fp:+rep!
Please do not double post, just edit your thread.

:fp:How to post idea? It is simple:

Hero details (name of the hero...)
Hero story/history (...)
Hero model (how looks like...)
Hero spells (what spells does he using...):grin:

Hero list:
1. Emmanuel - The Deathsworn
2. Ryan - The elite footman
3. Enriyah - The phoenix archer
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Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
Hero name: Ryan
Hero story/history: Being a Swordsman and the Elite soldier of the Laranian Empire (a human Nation.) He is strong and is powerful enough to cause a Ruckuss in the Enemy Army.
Hero model: Levigeorge's Elite Footman (Voice: EvilArthas)
Hero spells: Impulse Blade by Squall_Leonheart (Ultimate) (2x3 tile)
Omnislash by f0rsAk3n (Offensive) (2x1 tile)
Shockwave by Paladon (Offensive) (2x0 tile)
Impulse :Grants a chance to cause an Impulse on attack which knockbacks and damages nearby enemies.
This only will be caused if at least a certain amount of damage was dealt to the hero. (Passive) (2x2 tile)
Impulse Blade's Random Abilities Non auto abilities (1x1 tile)

Is it cool?
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Hero name: Ryan
Hero story/history: Being a Swordsman and the Elite soldier of the Laranian Empire (a human Nation.) He is strong and is powerful enough to cause a Ruckuss in the Enemy Army.
Hero model: Levigeorge's Elite Footman (Voice: EvilArthas)
Hero spells: Impulse Blade by Squall_Leonheart (Ultimate) (2x3 tile)
Omnislash by f0rsAk3n (Offensive) (2x1 tile)
Shockwave by Paladon (Offensive) (2x0 tile)
Impulse :Grants a chance to cause an Impulse on attack which knockbacks and damages nearby enemies.
This only will be caused if at least a certain amount of damage was dealt to the hero. (Passive) (2x2 tile)
Impulse Blade's Random Abilities Non auto abilities (1x1 tile)

Is it cool?

Like hero's model, story and name.
Don't like hero's spells, i think they are not much original and they are not suitable to the hero. Try to get some your own spell ideas which will be good for the hero. You can write ideas right here, i dont need to see the spell.
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Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
Here are heros i am actually using for my own map. i dont mind you using them as well if you wish.

Hero details (name of the hero...)
Emmanuel - The Deathsworn
he is a dps-tank

Hero story/history (...)
Being a renowned swordsman and noble, he led his province well. Then one day, a voice came to him and trembling he believed it to be God. The voice said it was not God, but Death. Death had come to him, and decided he would be more worth while as a servant than a victim. The voice continued that in return for his loyalty, Emmanuel would be spared. Emmanuel demanded proof of these claims, and he found his face skeletonized. The rest of his body was intact, but his head had all muscle, skin, and blood removed. He immediatly began wearing a hood and mask, and from that day forth, he swore his soul to Death.

Hero model (how looks like...)
Whatever involves a hood and mask :p
like thishttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ev=of=rating&search=hunter&r=20&d=list&page=3

Hero spells (what spells does he using...)
The idea behind him is, that as long as he inflicts harm he can stay alive. his core principles is 2 defaults and free-rapid spells.

Death's Reprieve - mana shield based
Death Pact - everytime he attacks or casts a spell he gains a small amount of mana to be used by the shield

DarkBrand - a buff on the enemy target. As long as the buff is intact it will damage and slow the enemy. When the target dies, Emmanuel receives some mana

Death's Embrace - A single target spell that inflicts damage and heals Emmanuel if the target dies. If it hits a branded target, it will inflict a little extra damage.

Overwhelming Darkness - a wave of darkness that harms everything it touches and slows them for a few moments. If it hits a Branded target, the brand spreads to targets around it for short radius.

Death Mastery - a passive that increases the mana:damage ratio of the manashield and increases the mana gained when using spells.


If you choose to use him, please respect it and know i am allowing you to use the same hero as from my map :)
Here are heros i am actually using for my own map. i dont mind you using them as well if you wish.

Hero details (name of the hero...)
Emmanuel - The Deathsworn
he is a dps-tank

Hero story/history (...)
Being a renowned swordsman and noble, he led his province well. Then one day, a voice came to him and trembling he believed it to be God. The voice said it was not God, but Death. Death had come to him, and decided he would be more worth while as a servant than a victim. The voice continued that in return for his loyalty, Emmanuel would be spared. Emmanuel demanded proof of these claims, and he found his face skeletonized. The rest of his body was intact, but his head had all muscle, skin, and blood removed. He immediatly began wearing a hood and mask, and from that day forth, he swore his soul to Death.

Hero model (how looks like...)
Whatever involves a hood and mask :p
like thishttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ev=of=rating&search=hunter&r=20&d=list&page=3

Hero spells (what spells does he using...)
The idea behind him is, that as long as he inflicts harm he can stay alive. his core principles is 2 defaults and free-rapid spells.

Death's Reprieve - mana shield based
Death Pact - everytime he attacks or casts a spell he gains a small amount of mana to be used by the shield

DarkBrand - a buff on the enemy target. As long as the buff is intact it will damage and slow the enemy. When the target dies, Emmanuel receives some mana

Death's Embrace - A single target spell that inflicts damage and heals Emmanuel if the target dies. If it hits a branded target, it will inflict a little extra damage.

Overwhelming Darkness - a wave of darkness that harms everything it touches and slows them for a few moments. If it hits a Branded target, the brand spreads to targets around it for short radius.

Death Mastery - a passive that increases the mana:damage ratio of the manashield and increases the mana gained when using spells.


If you choose to use him, please respect it and know i am allowing you to use the same hero as from my map :)

Like the hero! Spells are very good too.
If you agree, i want to edit some things in the hero for balancing. Do you agree?
Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
EDIT2: Edited Ryan's class and abilities:
Class: Longbowman

Unit Ability:Autocast Multishot
Ryan is able to fire multiple times this dangerous ability, making him a little dangerous

Split cold shot:
Shoots multiple Cold Imbued arrows at multiple enemies

Shadow Shot:
Ryan lets loose his shadow shooting a single Dark arrow at the enemy

Dark Agility:
Ryan moves at a high speed shooting multiple arrows at any enemy in his LoS

Impailing arrow: (Ultimate)
Ryan fires a powerful arrow causing damage to the enemy
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EDIT2: Edited Ryan's class and abilities:
Class: Longbowman

Unit Ability:Autocast Multishot
Ryan is able to fire multiple times this dangerous ability, making him a little dangerous

Split cold shot:
Shoots multiple Cold Imbued arrows at multiple enemies

Shadow Shot:
Ryan lets loose his shadow shooting a single Dark arrow at the enemy

Dark Agility:
Ryan moves at a high speed shooting multiple arrows at any enemy in his LoS

Impailing arrow: (Ultimate)
Ryan fires a powerful arrow causing damage to the enemy

Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Here is one (I won't post values since I don't know your balancing system). Oh, and it wouldn't be a problem if you told use the basic story of the AoS ,since then we can make the story to fit yours :D

Hero name: Enriyah
Even as a child, Enriyah was attracted to fire - so much that once she even ignited her childhood friend. Shortly after that happened that her inherited power came to surface, burning her home and family. After that she had to hide since she became a murderer. However, even in the hiding, her attraction to fire even got stronger, later it even became addiction - and in the end, she found herself near the top of a volcano led by her subconsciusness. There did she meet the phoenixes, who told her that she had SOMEHOW inherited some of their blood - and so taught her whatever they could. With her power in control, she could satistify her addiction to fire, becoming the perfect killing machine. Later in a town she learned archery as they found that the best weapon which suited her - thus she became a phoenix archer.

Hero model:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/bloodelf-ranger-50654/?prev=search%3Darcher%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2
Hero spells:

Igniting shot:Enriyah's attacks deals bonus fire damage, and ignites the target, dealing Damage over Time. The first target also ignites enemies around it, spreading the fire further. (Only the first target spreads it!)

Fiery Skin: Enriyah summons fire to aid her in defending herself, thus dealing damage to attackers close to her. The shroud of fire also perishes incoming arrows, aking them deal less damage to her (Using an invisible Hardened skill ability)

Fire Nova: Enriyah casts a ring of fire, dealing damage to enemies surrounding her. If any enemy dies from this damage, his body explodes because of the sudden incrase of pressure in his body, dealing further damage to his surrounding (explosions doesn't chain).

Ultimate: Burning Resurrection : Enriyah comes back to life with a burning inferno surrounding her. It is so intensive that it pushes away friend and foe. After the resurrection Enriyah is weakened for a short while. LONG COOLDOWN
Here is one (I won't post values since I don't know your balancing system). Oh, and it wouldn't be a problem if you told use the basic story of the AoS ,since then we can make the story to fit yours :D

Hero name: Enriyah
Even as a child, Enriyah was attracted to fire - so much that once she even ignited her childhood friend. Shortly after that happened that her inherited power came to surface, burning her home and family. After that she had to hide since she became a murderer. However, even in the hiding, her attraction to fire even got stronger, later it even became addiction - and in the end, she found herself near the top of a volcano led by her subconsciusness. There did she meet the phoenixes, who told her that she had SOMEHOW inherited some of their blood - and so taught her whatever they could. With her power in control, she could satistify her addiction to fire, becoming the perfect killing machine. Later in a town she learned archery as they found that the best weapon which suited her - thus she became a phoenix archer.

Hero model:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/bloodelf-ranger-50654/?prev=search%3Darcher%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2
Hero spells:

Igniting shot:Enriyah's attacks deals bonus fire damage, and ignites the target, dealing Damage over Time. The first target also ignites enemies around it, spreading the fire further. (Only the first target spreads it!)

Fiery Skin: Enriyah summons fire to aid her in defending herself, thus dealing damage to attackers close to her. The shroud of fire also perishes incoming arrows, aking them deal less damage to her (Using an invisible Hardened skill ability)

Fire Nova: Enriyah casts a ring of fire, dealing damage to enemies surrounding her. If any enemy dies from this damage, his body explodes because of the sudden incrase of pressure in his body, dealing further damage to his surrounding (explosions doesn't chain).

Ultimate: Burning Resurrection : Enriyah comes back to life with a burning inferno surrounding her. It is so intensive that it pushes away friend and foe. After the resurrection Enriyah is weakened for a short while. LONG COOLDOWN

[Approved] 8/10 :thumbs_up:
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