I took the time to try the map, and at first I was actually a bit entertained. Mostly because the map was so messy and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Tried it several times actually.
The map is very fast paced, which is something I can appreciate.
It is however completely unbalanced because of using standard wc3 heroes with no army. Like.. Undead team gets Archimonde and Orcs get Thrall? Humans get Archmage very quickly, which is a game winner in it self, as he can summon water elemental. In no time you will have 10 archmages and 10 water elementals, all doing massive damage.
So many typos bro..
To be honest, I had no idea what was going on. There is no info to be found anywhere, as to what the objective of the map is. So I decided to take a look at the triggers to find out.
Creeps stop leveling up after "ScoreLevel 4" instead of going to 10 like the players. Might be intended. Can't really tell
Time - RampageTimmer expires
(Owner of (Triggering Unit)) Not equal to Neutral Hostile
Set RampageStatus = False
Set RampageUnit = UnitRampage
Sound - Play rampage <gen>
Unit - Create 1 RampageUnit for PlayerRampage at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing (Position of (Triggering Unit))
Is this trigger supposed to so anything?
The condition will block the trigger permanently since there is no triggering unit.
You keep mentioning that the map is about scoring rampages, yet it was impossible to know what a rampage was until looking at the triggers.. I thought a rampage was some sick multikill streak, yet it proved to be standing in the middle of the map for 30 seconds, lol. Which is incredibly easy for the human starter units, since it has 45 second divine shield, lol. The fact that the trigger that is supposed to reward you for scoring a rampage is bugged doesn't make it any better :b
- Get 20 kills firts to win
When you get 20 you win. Each kill give you gold and wood.
The game ends at 30 kills.
Even after looking through all the triggers and playing the game to end several times, I am still very very confused
To be fair, the map is actually fairly entertaining and the idea is decent. The execution however is quite poor.