help with spell summoned unit

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Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
the spell is that when the hero kills a unit it will spawn a skeleton thats all fine but i have this problem the skeletons spawned can not be selected and they attack the same unit the hero is attacking and follow the hero.

the skeletons can be killed by the enemy so adding locast to them will not work for the selection.

i believe this would work for the selection????

  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) Selects a unit
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Skeleton Warrior
    • Actions
      • Selection - Remove (Triggering unit) from selection for (Owner of (Triggering unit))
of course adding all the other players to the event
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
You can use the Chaos/Metamorphosis + Locust method (Not sure if it still works)
That way the unit will be unselectable by you but enemies will still be able to target it normally.

Then all you need is a trigger that will order the summon to attack wheneve the hero does.
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
You can use the Chaos/Metamorphosis + Locust method (Not sure if it still works)
That way the unit will be unselectable by you but enemies will still be able to target it normally.

Kino, have you tested that?

I can confirm Kino's information, if one adds Locust, removes it and then performs instant back-and-forth metamorphosis, a unit won't have selection cicle, it can't be selected but can be targeted.
Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
so adding locast and metamorphosis to them?

so the trigger would be somthing like

add locast to the created unit
add metamorphosis
cast metamorphosis
remove locast
cast metamorphosis
remove metamorphosis

i believe u cant add locast or remove locast with gui
whats the custom script to add/remove it from last created unit?

i still dunno what i have to do with the following and atacking of the skellys
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
If you don't want the skeletons to be killed, you can use the Invulnerability (Neutral) buff too.
Remember to use the Raise Dead spell for your spell.
The Object Editor will help you to add and remove locusts, they are considered Abilities if I'm not wrong so I should be able to accomplish in GUI I guess.
Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
If you don't want the skeletons to be killed, you can use the Invulnerability (Neutral) buff too.
Remember to use the Raise Dead spell for your spell.
The Object Editor will help you to add and remove locusts, they are considered Abilities if I'm not wrong so I should be able to accomplish in GUI I guess.

i want them to be able to be killed but not slectable by the owner
im not going to use raise dead it is not needed
u cant add/remove locust in game by using the object editor in any way i dunno what ur saying
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
u cant add/remove locust in game by using the object editor in any way i dunno what ur saying

Adding/Removing Locust in-game
  • Custom script: local unit Caster = GetTriggerUnit()
  • Custom script: call UnitAddAbility(Caster, 'Aloc')
  • Custom script: call TriggerSleepAction(5.000)
  • Custom script: call ShowUnit(Caster, false)
  • Custom script: call UnitRemoveAbility(Caster, 'Aloc')
  • Custom script: call ShowUnit(Caster, true)
  • Custom script: set Caster = null
Trigger above will enable the adding of Locust in-game
After 5 seconds, the Locust ability is removed from the (Triggering unit) by combining the use of Hide/Unhide Unit action with Remove Ability action.
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