Help with maze maps
- u need to make a few custom things in world edit like:
*unit controlled by player - usually use a hero, and u must turn off its attack in object editor
*patrolling unit - those units that patrol around the map, that are controlled by computers. u must turn of attacks of these units too. causing things to die when they come in contact is part of triggers.
*item. this is optional. u can place items in extra hard to get places, these items can have armour bonus, move speed bonus, etc.
- u need to pick a good terrain for pathing. grasses are best. its best to pick something that atleast conects diagnolly with itself.
i will admit triggers are not the easiest parts. most are confusing and must be changed and customized depending on what u want unique about ur maze map.
i got most of my triggers from a different map maze guide. sadly, most were fucked up so i had to figure them out myself.
to make a trigger, you go to trigger editor, and clik the new triger button, or press CTRL+t
for all my triggers it goes in format
Event: (the event)
the conditions, if any)
Actions: (the action)
Patrolling unit trigger :
Events - Map Initialization
Conditions - none
Actions - Order (UNIT) to PATROL TO (CENTER OF (REGION))
when i do the patrol trigger, i usually use the select unit button, and just click the unit, i find that easiest.
Death Region trigger: *note, i think this is a waste of time unless you have a tool like Koga73's death region writer. i think its a lot easier to do a terrain type Kill trigger - i also give u that trigger
Events - A unit enters (REGION)
Conditions - ((UNIT-TYPE) of (TRIGGERING UNIT)) equal to (HERO UNIT)
Actions - Kill (TRIGGERING UNIT)
a variation to that, unit type doesnt have to be hero unit, it just has to be a type of unit that is unique to the player controlled unit. its usually easiest to just select the customed player controlled unit
Terrain-type kill trigger - *note, this is complicated but so worth it
in my first maze map, my player controlled unit was a runner. at the part where it says unit of type, just select ur customized unit that is player controlled
Events - every 0.5 seconds ( this is found at the periodic event )
conditions - none
actions - unit group - pick every unit in unit group (units of type Runner) and do (actions)
loop actions
If (all conditions are true) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)
If - conditions
if ((terrain-type) at (position of (picked unit)) not equal to (the terrain you used for pathing - in my case grass)
Then actions -
unit - kill picked unit
else actions -
(dont put anything here)
this is a complicated trigger, once u get the hang of it, its easy.
setting the event is easy. the action is harder
you do create new action. you go to
unit group - select all units in unit group and do multiple actions.
first you set the unit group. its easiest to do units of type, and then pick ur customized unit, that is under player control. next clik ok, then ok again.
then under loop actions, make another action. for this action u select :
If / Then / Else, Multiple functions
under "If - Conditions" u create a new condition. the condition type is " terrain-type comparison". Once you have done this, u have to set it to ((terrain-type) at (position of (picked unit))). next is a changeable part. if you want it set up so that the only terrain that your "runner" can survive is grass or dark grass or w.e you will do part one. if you want it so that there is only one type of terrain that kills your "runner" than do part two
Part 1.
you click equal to, and you change it to not equal to.
next you click the terrain thing. it will by default say lordaeron summer dirt. change this to the terrain that you used for pathing. if you do this, anything that is part of the unit group "unit of type ("runner" or w.e u called your unit
)" that goes off the terrain that you selected, it will die
Part 2. you leave equal to, and you move on to the terrain. change it to the terrain that you want to your player controlled unit. This way anything in the unit group "unit of type ( 'runner' or watever u called ur unit)" will be killed when it goes on to the terrain that you selected.
the rest is easy. under then actions u select
"unit - kill picked units"
under else actions you dont do anything
I hope that was a help to you, because it wasnt easy writing it out, and explaining it for people like me (noobs at wc3 mapmaking)
Catapult Trigger:
The trigger to make a catapult attack a small area constantly
Events - Every (TIME (3.00 is best)) seconds of game time.
Conditions - none
Unit collision kill trigger
this is for when your player controlled unit runs into ur ghoul or w.e
this is kind of complicated. but not too hard
Events - A unit comes within (45-80) of ( here you have to either select 1 the runner)
conditions - unit-type equal to ((the type of unit you want to kill the runner on collision, i kalled mine AVOID ME))
action - Kill - (here it will say unit, clik unit, and select the same runner that u selected in event)
you have to copy that a few times, and change it to work for all the other runners.
there are a few other triggers that i found useless. one was a teleport trigger, where if a unit steps in a region, it is teleported to another region. another is a wondering unit, that kan be kept inside a region, or allowed to run loose. if you want those jsut go to:
Make Your Own Maze Map In World Editor
any questions, email [email protected]
- u need to make a few custom things in world edit like:
*unit controlled by player - usually use a hero, and u must turn off its attack in object editor
*patrolling unit - those units that patrol around the map, that are controlled by computers. u must turn of attacks of these units too. causing things to die when they come in contact is part of triggers.
*item. this is optional. u can place items in extra hard to get places, these items can have armour bonus, move speed bonus, etc.
- u need to pick a good terrain for pathing. grasses are best. its best to pick something that atleast conects diagnolly with itself.
i will admit triggers are not the easiest parts. most are confusing and must be changed and customized depending on what u want unique about ur maze map.
i got most of my triggers from a different map maze guide. sadly, most were fucked up so i had to figure them out myself.
to make a trigger, you go to trigger editor, and clik the new triger button, or press CTRL+t
for all my triggers it goes in format
Event: (the event)
Actions: (the action)
Patrolling unit trigger :
Events - Map Initialization
Conditions - none
Actions - Order (UNIT) to PATROL TO (CENTER OF (REGION))
when i do the patrol trigger, i usually use the select unit button, and just click the unit, i find that easiest.
Death Region trigger: *note, i think this is a waste of time unless you have a tool like Koga73's death region writer. i think its a lot easier to do a terrain type Kill trigger - i also give u that trigger
Events - A unit enters (REGION)
Conditions - ((UNIT-TYPE) of (TRIGGERING UNIT)) equal to (HERO UNIT)
Actions - Kill (TRIGGERING UNIT)
a variation to that, unit type doesnt have to be hero unit, it just has to be a type of unit that is unique to the player controlled unit. its usually easiest to just select the customed player controlled unit
Terrain-type kill trigger - *note, this is complicated but so worth it
in my first maze map, my player controlled unit was a runner. at the part where it says unit of type, just select ur customized unit that is player controlled
Events - every 0.5 seconds ( this is found at the periodic event )
conditions - none
actions - unit group - pick every unit in unit group (units of type Runner) and do (actions)
loop actions
If (all conditions are true) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)
If - conditions
if ((terrain-type) at (position of (picked unit)) not equal to (the terrain you used for pathing - in my case grass)
Then actions -
unit - kill picked unit
else actions -
(dont put anything here)
this is a complicated trigger, once u get the hang of it, its easy.
setting the event is easy. the action is harder
you do create new action. you go to
unit group - select all units in unit group and do multiple actions.
first you set the unit group. its easiest to do units of type, and then pick ur customized unit, that is under player control. next clik ok, then ok again.
then under loop actions, make another action. for this action u select :
If / Then / Else, Multiple functions
under "If - Conditions" u create a new condition. the condition type is " terrain-type comparison". Once you have done this, u have to set it to ((terrain-type) at (position of (picked unit))). next is a changeable part. if you want it set up so that the only terrain that your "runner" can survive is grass or dark grass or w.e you will do part one. if you want it so that there is only one type of terrain that kills your "runner" than do part two
Part 1.
you click equal to, and you change it to not equal to.
next you click the terrain thing. it will by default say lordaeron summer dirt. change this to the terrain that you used for pathing. if you do this, anything that is part of the unit group "unit of type ("runner" or w.e u called your unit
)" that goes off the terrain that you selected, it will die
Part 2. you leave equal to, and you move on to the terrain. change it to the terrain that you want to your player controlled unit. This way anything in the unit group "unit of type ( 'runner' or watever u called ur unit)" will be killed when it goes on to the terrain that you selected.
the rest is easy. under then actions u select
"unit - kill picked units"
under else actions you dont do anything
I hope that was a help to you, because it wasnt easy writing it out, and explaining it for people like me (noobs at wc3 mapmaking)
Catapult Trigger:
The trigger to make a catapult attack a small area constantly
Events - Every (TIME (3.00 is best)) seconds of game time.
Conditions - none
Unit collision kill trigger
this is for when your player controlled unit runs into ur ghoul or w.e
this is kind of complicated. but not too hard
Events - A unit comes within (45-80) of ( here you have to either select 1 the runner)
conditions - unit-type equal to ((the type of unit you want to kill the runner on collision, i kalled mine AVOID ME))
action - Kill - (here it will say unit, clik unit, and select the same runner that u selected in event)
you have to copy that a few times, and change it to work for all the other runners.
there are a few other triggers that i found useless. one was a teleport trigger, where if a unit steps in a region, it is teleported to another region. another is a wondering unit, that kan be kept inside a region, or allowed to run loose. if you want those jsut go to:
Make Your Own Maze Map In World Editor
any questions, email [email protected]