Here's the spell I t'm trying to make:
Every second of the spell (it's channeling) all damage taken on the map is collected. The casting unit is damaged for this value, and the AoE around him is damaged for the same value multiplied by a number.
I have made a dummy channeling ability, and the following triggers:
1.Begin Casting - Turn on Trigger 4 and 5
2.Finish Casting - Turn off Trigger 4 and 5
3.Stop Casting - Turn off Trigger 4 and 5
Any ideas how to make it work?
Every second of the spell (it's channeling) all damage taken on the map is collected. The casting unit is damaged for this value, and the AoE around him is damaged for the same value multiplied by a number.
I have made a dummy channeling ability, and the following triggers:
1.Begin Casting - Turn on Trigger 4 and 5
2.Finish Casting - Turn off Trigger 4 and 5
3.Stop Casting - Turn off Trigger 4 and 5
- Event - Unit takes damage (missing, there is a function for a specific unit only)
- Action - Add Real (Damage Taken) to DamageTakenVariable
- Unit - Damage Casting Unit for DamageTakenVariable
- Unit - Damage Area around Casting Unit for DamageTakenVariable*X
Any ideas how to make it work?