[General] Help request with import stuff and questions.

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Level 1
May 14, 2011
Question 1

Hello peeps, im currently working on one of my first maps , and i use multiple imports in models, icons and stuff. Im working on my Naga race, have made new units and buildings.
Now to the point ^^ , on my uppgrades i have done to my naga units, i have used custom icons, the icons work perfect and looks very well. but now i made so the unit already have the spell when i train them, so when i trained the unit before i uppgrade the spell, the spell on the trained unit is disabled of course, but the icon for the spell is green until you uppgrade the spell. and that isent good.

Question 2

When im creating a uppgrade, how do i now which unit who get affected by the bonus?

Question 3

How do i choose which ability i want on my custom spell, when im creating an custom spells i use to take a simillar spell for example. i want a custom unit to teleport forward but i dont want to use the spelll blink for it. but since i dont now any other way i copy / paste and change the icon and name and other stuff. but just to find the spell i want is annoying to look up every damn spell to see what it does and if i cant remake it.

Question 4

When im making a uppgrade like Naga's ¨Coral Blade¨ which uppgrades all nagas units , (except my customs) so thats why i want to make custom uppgrades. So how am i suppse to do that? im currently trying but cant really find a nice solve, right now im thinking about making an uppgrade in the unit building, example: buldings name is curse of Water, the unit i want to uppgrade is named Murloc, so im makeing the uppgrade named murloc empower and im taking a simillar spell that fits my decription, in this case i would copy / paste battle roar , im changing the durotion to zero, i think that makes it passive, (i hope) and change the aoe effect to zero. and then changing other stuff like name and icons etc.. is there a nother easier way to fix this issue i experience ? ^^

sorry about my bad language and word choices and other shit.. please help me out of this shit xD makes me confused.
1) You need to import the disabled version of the icon. Download this tool: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools.php?id=88kxc5/, import the icon you want and create the DISBTN version. Then, you will import it as: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNFilename.blp.

2) You set that in the Object Editor. Go to your unit, scroll to Techtree - Upgrades used and there you go, the list of the upgrades that will affect that unit-type in-game, after researching.

3) There is the Channel ability, which is a very flexible ability, it is commonly used for custom spells. It has the nature of picking the target type you wish, Target point, No Target, Unit Target, Unit or Point Target.

20. Channel

AbilityId : ANcl

Channel is an ability made by Blizzard that works with triggers. It has a lot of options, more than your thought. This ability ever requires a trigger, because without that, it can't do something. It can also be used to trigger an effect without a trigger.

You can specify it to :
- Target a unit
- Target a point
- Target an area of effect (The circle thing)
- No Target (Instant cast)

And Spell type to :
- Physical Spell (Go through Anti-Magic Shell, Magic Immune..)
- Universal Spell (Go through anything)
- Unique Cast
- Target an Image (Determines if it Target an area of effect has an AoE Image)

The channeling time can be changed through the Follow Through Time, and the icon is disabled in option. The effect you want to the ability Channel must be triggered.

Also, the orderId of the spell can be modified.

from: http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=44234

4) Already answered, reply No. 2.

An active ability with a duration of 0 either has no effects or lasts forever. So, your battle roar will last forever. In order to get a passive ability that increases damage, use Trushot Aura (that outputs a percentage bonus to physical damage).

And yes, you need to study the abilities in the Object Editor a bit, so that you have some clear image, as to what each one of them does, in case you need a similar effect in your custom units or as a foundation ability to your main one.


This will guide you just fine :]
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Question 1:

That is because icons have specific paths. I tend to play by Blizzard's rules and name them appropriately.
An active icon (an icon you can see when the spell/upgrade/... is enabled) is called "ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTN_BUTTON_NAME.blp"
A disabled icon (an icon when the upgrade/spell is not enabled, such as it is in cooldown, or the game is being paused) is named: "ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTN_BUTTON_NAME.blp"

If you name the last one wrong, a flashy green icon will appear instead. The first one is just to be consequent.

Question 2:

Go to the object editor, select the "units" tab and then select the unit you wish to be affected by the upgrade.
Scroll all the way down to "Techtree - Upgrades Used" and select your upgrade from the list.
All units who have your upgrade in that list, will be affected by it.

Question 3:

If you want a completely custom spell (that means everything is done with triggers), the spell "Channel" is by far the best option.
Otherwise, you need to keep these things in mind:
  • Have I used this spell before? (If you create 2 spells based off the same one, they will interfere with eachother).
  • Is it an AoE, unit-target, instant or point-target spell? This is the second thing you should think of. Quite important, as a unit-target spell cannot be based on an instant spell etc.
  • What side-effects does it have? e.g.: Basing an AoE-spell on Flame Strike is only a good idea if you want to do DOT and not instant damage.

You don't have to check every spell, I'm sure you've got a basic idea of what some/most spells do.
People often forget spells in the "neutral hostile" section though, while there are a lot of usable spells out there.

Question 4:

See question 2.

Edit: Awwww, too late.
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