Helm's Deep
Created by Eazy-E15
Map Info:
After many months of preparation, Saruman is ready to strike the first blow against the world of men. King Theoden, anticipating the inevitable attack has ordered his people to flee to Helm's Deep. Rohan must hold up against the endless waves of Uruk-Hai until Gandalf arrives with aid to life the shadow over Rohan. Utilize your heroes, units, and any other means to come out victorious!
-Custom Cinematics for each outcome
-Unique models for all of the heroes and units
-Gimli and Aragorn are able to go through a secret entrance around the main gate like they did in the movie.
-Gates can't heal themselves when opened
-Archers can no longer be massed in the hall.
Some else stuff about map:
This is a remake of my original Helm's Deep. (Not edited from MMG_God's version.) It's the first map I've made in over 6 years so I hope you all enjoy it
Screenshots and Videos:
Special Thanks:
Aragorn skin - Sir_Raziel
Elves / Uruk-Hai / tower in the back - Fingolfin
Gimli skin - Hueter
Legolas - Tuffy
Theoden - Dan van Ohllus
Theoden (mounted) - Antihero
Ballista / Rohan archer - HappyTauren
Hero Glow - assasin_lord
Rohan Militia / Horsemen / Hama - CloudWolf
Siege Ladder - MassiveMaster
Legolas' blades - Kitabatake
Rohan Swordsman / Gamling - Unknown
Aragorn Archer - Unknown
Custom cliff - rednek
Custom cliff (mountains) - Felz_09
Icon Credits
Rohan Militia / Horsemen - CloudWolf
Theoden / Glorious Charge - Antihero
Deep Wound / Warpath - BerZeKeR
Sword Swing - Jack_Sparrow93
Triple Shot - Mr.Goblin
Gimli's axe - Luckerguy
Leadership - AbstractCreativity
Focused Shot - Marenko
Crown / Longbow / Uruk Draught / Vicious Strike/ Aragorn's special- Blizzard Entertainment
Author's notes:
Updates will come to this map based mostly on feedback. Some ideas I currently have is a different ladder system and single player mode. Please report any bugs that you might find so that I can hot fix them.