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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first model I made entirely from scratch. The Death animation shows nothing. The Stand animation shows the chair staying still, but the Stand Upgraded First and Second feature the Haunted Rocking Chair (hence the name) rocking back and forth all on its own.
Credits to Blizzard for the meshes and texture, and to Moe Sargi for this video and inspiration. (<--For those who easily get spooked by the paranormal, BEWARE!!)
Please note that updates will come.

You may freely edit this mod, but do credit me and Blizzard.

- Stand Upgrade First was previously Stand Alternate, until DarkePacific requested an additional animation, from which I renamed it.
- I also gave it a Stand Upgrade Second, per DarkePacific's requested.
- Stand Upgrade Third involves the Chair now spinning Clockwise.
- Per ILH's request, I did my best cutting down unnecessary polies on the chair, but the KBs will increase because of more animations to come.
- I've added the Low-Poly version, per General Frank's request.
- I've arranged the animation names and gave it Decay Flesh and Decay Bone.
- I have increased the Low-Poly version's volume by 50%.
- I have made the old HaUnTeD RoCkInG ChAiR, so it's one geoset with one geoset animation. This new version is called "HaUnTeD_RoCkInG_ChAiR_OneGeoset." More improvements will come.
- Newer version, "HaUnTeD_RoCkInG_ChAiR_OneGeoset_2," is uploaded, per requested. The Old model now has all the standard animations.
- Just realized that the Old Rocking Chair's Death animation was on the loop, so I un-looped, saved my work, tested it, and then uploaded a new copy under the same same.

NOTE: As a simple doodad, there is no TC yet, but do enjoy some Halloween/Paranormal spooks on your maps!! 👻👻👻

- 50.65 KB

- 9.48 KB

EDTIZ: I edited both models on Mdlvis, so the Stand Hit animation is non-looping.

HaUnTeD RoCkInG ChAiR_OneGeoset_2 (Model)

HaUnTeD_RoCkInG_ChAiR_LowPoly (Model)

General Frank
A useful, but quite simple spooky chair. Does not really fit into the wc3 style, but is probably useful for people never the less.
Cool idea, but really think the sway in the rock animation needs to be a bit greater. Can barely tell that it's moving even when I'm directly looking at it.
Okay, I'll consider that for the stand upgrade animations.
In real life, though, the invisible presence interacts with something like the rocking chair in this manner.
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Model Reviewer
Level 31
May 8, 2012
Yeah, isn't there an efficient way to dial down the number of polygons?
From what I know, you can use MDLVis or Retera's Model Studio to remove unwanted vertices, rearrange and then connect them again, or just simply use the "Weld" tool. Might require some UV rewrapping though.
How long do I have to rebuild it, before the model gets rejected?
You can take as much time as you can, as long as you don't 'fake' update the model without actually making proper edits to it.
If you take multiple years to fix it then we might consider mothballing your model.
Why does the high-polygon model has so many separate geosets and geoset animations?
I would be wiser and more space-efficient to make all geoset that use the same material be in one geoset.
Please fix this issue.
The High-Poly chair was my first try at making a model, so separate geosets are expected.
Anyway, if you want me to work on it, I could remove it so you are left with the low-poly chair. At least it is made of one geoset.
The High-Poly chair was my first try at making a model, so separate geosets are expected.
Anyway, if you want me to work on it, I could remove it so you are left with the low-poly chair. At least it is made of one geoset.
Removing something is the last thing you could do when everything esle does not work.
You should always try to improve your things no matter the circumstances or abilities. Also you have plenty of time. No one is rushing you.
Removing something is the last thing you could do when everything esle does not work.
You should always try to improve your things no matter the circumstances or abilities. Also you have plenty of time. No one is rushing you.
Fair reply! I have ideas for the low-poly version too.