Gsu'h Will RPG [Support Request]

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Level 20
Jul 14, 2011

This is the first publication of this map. Sincerely, I'm posting it because I need some map developer to help me improving it. It's my first map, and it's getting complicated. I've been making it for 10 days now and things are getting messed up in my mind. I'm getting confused with it, I mean, the triggers, variables, etc.

I need to set it up to work on multiplayer, also use the right variables, delete those variables i'm not even using, modify those that i'm not using the right way, etc.... I need to know how to do some basic stuff...

It's some sort of map fixing. I'll send the map to whoever offers me his help to make it work the right way. The map so far is really basic, but it will grow a lot. I need to know the basics I can do the rest of the map knowing the right way to do it. I'd love some of you could spend a day in MSN with me to set everything up, because it takes forever to wait for replies in the forum.

Again: I'll send the map via PM to whoever offers me his help to make it work the right way.

-- Thanks

Some information about the map:

It's inspirated in some time of mixture between SNES Dragon Quest (1 2 3 4 5 6) and Zelda.

- I want to make it multi language (At least English/Spanish) so every player can change the language any time (I can easily write everything in both language, what I don't know is the way to make it work).
- Chat with every NPC takes position in a Multiboard with two rows, one for you, another for the NPC.
- Quests are discovered when they're discovered. No big exclamation marks around. Talk and discover.
- Main gameplay is not "Killing everything, becoming stronger, get the best items, and blow everything up". It's being part of the history, solving puzzles, finding secrets, enjoying all the sounds, effects, and dialogs. Of course it evolves the Killing/Lvling up, and else, but that's not the "bone" of the project. Requires a lot of intuition.
- Map has no abilities yet. I'm focusing in the story and systems, i'll take care of that later.
- It's "though" to support a max of 5 players.
- Experience, Spawn, and Drop systems are triggering.
- I have no knowledge of JASS, but I can learn with a good teacher.
- There are Main Skills (Used for quest, fun, gameplay, etc.) and common Fightning Skills.
- Customs model attachments, and effects.
- MiniPets (Not implemented yet)
- I think: Well made terrain. (so far).
- Need to do stuff so I can add later a Save/Load system.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Like well, giving suggestions and advising/advertising.
I'll be able to do more modding at the end of the year after my exams though.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
PM me with your MSN so we can chat and discuss stuff. You may be able to help me in other stuff too =) Two heads > One head.
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