Goblin Witch-Doctor

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Level 9
Oct 12, 2005
I would very much like for someone to make this Goblin Witch-Doctor: http://sonsofthestorm.com/viewer_thammer.php?cat=warcraft&art=12&sub=4 . He's the one at the top left with the red cloak. I have a goblin campaign that I have finished and stuff, I'd just need to tweak a few things to make this guy fit the role of main character. I'd really appreciate if someone could do this request. Thanks :O) ~frankie11
Level 9
Oct 12, 2005
Thanks, I saw that, but I didn't really like it cause: it has tusks and the face looks too mean. It's got to look either like the picture has it or mischievous. Like if you could put a goblin head on that body like say from the goblin alchemist and maybe a small hood or something- that would be awesome- that's mainly what I'm looking for.
EDIT: Also see this picture for more information on the face: http://sonsofthestorm.com/viewer_thammer.php?cat=warcraftconcepts&art=34&sub=30 (Note: he's the second drawing from the left.)
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Level 9
Oct 12, 2005
BUMP. How about someone can use the troll witch-doctor and replace his head with the head of the attachment at the bottom, then all you have to do is make the skin fit the head.... red cloak, red hood etc, still included.
EDIT: Use the "Goblin Hermit" skin I believe WILLTHEALMIGHTY made it. (it's in non-approved skins)
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