Witch Doctor- Hero Glow

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Level 5
May 27, 2007
well u can do it alone. IT´s very simple just make a spell which has this modell as a target http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/80/. To attach this, to any unit, make a custom spell(For the Sphere spell, Human, unit). Changes the "Art - Missle" catagories to 0, None, False, 0. Change "Art - Target" to the model file of the hero glow, then change the "Art - Target Attachment Point 1" to "origin", and clear the other two strings. Change the number of attachments ("Art - Target Attachments") to 1. Name your spell to something such as "Hero Aura" and then add it to your unit. Dont forget to change color of this aura.
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