Give me Ideas

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Hi all, the map I develop is Hero arena 6v6
I'm trying to balance the gameplay by replacing some spells. Can you give me ideas that are suitable for the heroes?

Green is Heal
Red is damage and pet
Yellow is aura with buffs
purple is stun
Brown is protection
Blue is runaway(teleport or mirror image)
Orange is given Bonus Armor
(The Last spell in the order is learned lvl 6)

Paladin holy light, Divine shield,Devotion aura,Resurrection - melee
Archmage Blizzard,Water Elemental,Brilliance Aura,Mass teleport - Ranged
Mountain King Thunder Clap,Storm Bolt,Bash,Avatar - Melee
Blood Mage Flame Strike,Banish
,SiphonMana,Phoenix - Ranged
Wizard(customized spellcaster model Jaina Proudmoore) Blink, Frost Nova, Frost Armor, Polymorph - Ranged
Ranger Cold Arrows, scout, Trueshot aura, Starfall - Ranged

Blademaster Windwalk,Critical Strike,Mirror Image, Bladestorm - Melee
Tauren Chieftain Shockwave,War stomp,endurance aura, Reincarnation - Melee
Shadow Hunter Healing Wave,Hex,Serpent Ward,Big Bad Voodoo - Ranged
Brewmaster Breath of fire,drunken haze,drunken brawler, storm earth and fire - Melee
Far Seer Far sight, Chain lightning, Feral spirit,Earthquake
- Ranged
Beastmaster Summon Misha,Summon Quilbeast,Stormbolt, stampede - Melee

Especially that I don't think teams need scouting the map(scout and far sight) in this game. mayeb if i make stun arrow for the ranger, and lightning shield for far seer that stun enemies on touch? :D

What do you think?
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
It will be a lot work yes, but I do agree with Zerom's suggestions, make something unique from the spells for they are just standard Warcraft spells. Try doing some triggered spells, search here at Spell Sections and you might find something fitting.
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
Here's some ideas for the Human heroes. Some of these spells need to be triggered, but it should be quite easy to do so.

Holy Surge: A chained Holy Light. Will bounce to nearby allies to heal them. Can also bounce to enemy undead to damage them, but healing allies is higher priority.
Hand of Protection/Wrath/Wisdom:passive abilities. Only one can be active, clicking the ability icon will swap between them. Protection gives bonus armor and magic resistance. Wrath will give bonus damage and a slow effect on attack. Wisdom will restore mana over time when another spell is cast.
Divine Shield:Defends the target ally (not self) against all physical attacks for a short time.
Holy Shockwave:Sends out a powerful shockwave in a circle based on your current Hand buff. Wrath will damage units and knock them back. Protection will damage enemies for a small amount and reduce their damage. Wisdom will damage enemies and heal nearby allies.

Blizzard: Rains ice shards in an area. Does not need to be channeled.
Water Elemental: Summons an elemental made of water. The elemental takes reduced damage from physical attacks, and standing in a Blizzard spell will heal it.
Slow:Shackles an enemy to reduce its movement and attack speed.
Ice Storm:Freezes all nearby enemies in place and damages them over time.

Mountain King:
Storm Bolt: Damages and stuns an enemy at close range.
Enrage:While health is below a certain treshold, armor and attack speed is increased.
Power Bash: Gives a chance on attack to deal high bonus damage to an enemy. When Enraged, also stuns the enemy.
Avatar: Grants extra armor, damage and spell immunity for a certain period.

Flamestrike: Deals damage over time in an area.
Blood Bolt: Damages an enemy and deals extra damage the lower the opponent's life is.
Mana Surge:Takes mana from an enemy and gives it to the Bloodmage.
Call Fire:Has a long casting time, then calls a large wave of flame to slowly destroy everything in its path, including allies.

Good luck!
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
... So what you want is a spell of the same type (heal/stun/damage/etc.) but different name/effect? Here goes.


Holy Fire: Heals an allied living unit, dealing damage to surrounding enemy units.
None Shall Fall: Targets an AoE. Friendly units get a buff that makes them invulnerable when they drop below 5% of their HP. Lasts 10 seconds.
Faith Aura: Increases armor and HP regen of allied units.
Mass Ressurection: Revives all friendly corpses, when over three units are ressurected, they are revived with (1-(total number of units ressurected))% HP.

Mountain King

Finger of the Mountain: Sends a circle of units flying, damaging and stunning them.
Tremor (Channeling): Repeatedly slams the ground, slowing units around and dealing damage.
Battle Shout: Occasionally yells horrible dwarven insults at the enemy, stunning all units around the Mountain King for 1/2/3 seconds.
Stoneskin: Gains a massive armor boost, all damage is reduced. Melee attacks sometimes bounce back to the attacker.
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